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Graphs and Graph Algorithms

Author: PhD Jaanus Pöial, Estonian IT College

All videoclips are captured during fall semester of 2011 when the course was taught in English.

Learning outcomes:
  1. Student knows the basic definitions - graph, digraph, multigraph, simple graph, cyclic vs. acyclic graph, etc.
  2. Student knows common classical graph algorithms - topologigal sort, shortest paths, traversal methods (depth first, breadth first), spanning tree, etc.
  3. Student is able to use different graph algorithms in programs
  4. Student is able to implement a graph ADT in object oriented framework
  5. Student is able to test an implementation of a graph algorithm
  6. Student can write a technical report about the program
Video (254 min)
Video 1 - Graph, basic definitions
Video 2 - Operations on graphs and related matrices, representation of graphs
Video 3 - Graph, adjacency matrix, shortest pathlengths, transitive closure, Floyd-Warshall algorithm, topological sort, depth-first and breadth-first traversal, shortest paths (Dijkstra)
Video 4 - Dijkstra's algorithm in detail, finding connected components, minimal spanning tree
Video 5 - Instructions for individual homework on graphs
Lecture Notes
Lecture - Graphs and algorithms on graphs (in Estonian: graafid ja algoritmid graafidel)

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