Lab 2 - Code Review in Pairs

  1.     The lecturer assigns you a partner for this lab..
  2.     Open your homework 1 in IntelliJ (or other IDE, so that it can be changed).
  3.     If you do not have the latest version of your first homework on bitbucket (or github), create a commit and upload it. If necessary, refer to the materials from the previous lab.
  4.     Explain to your partner how the program works (so that the partner really understands).
  5.     Open the last submission of homework on Moodle and show the partner the time you submitted it, the lecturer's last comment on the work, and the program execution time on the server. NB! all automated tests must pass, sources of information must be referenced.
  6.     The partner also does all these steps, then compare the program execution times in Moodle.
  7.     Make at least two specific suggestions to your partner to improve the code (have a look at "Clean Code" book). Possible aspects:
  8.     Introduce the program changes you agree to, make sure they work (the code passes all the tests) and that the partner is satisfied.
  9.     Make a new commit "Enhanced with Partner Name" and upload it to bitbucket (or github), the partner will do the same with her code.
  10.     Show the last commit to the lecturer.
  11.     The lecturer will discuss and ask questions about your partners code (hopefully you have fully understood this - go to another round if necessary).
  12.     The lecturer inputs grades to SIS.

Jaanus Pöial