Lab 7 - Graphs

  1. The teacher will assign you a partner whose work you are going to defend.
  2. Read the partner's report (pdf file). Make it clear to you what her task was. 
  3. Is the task understandable in detail? Can you explain the task to the teacher?
  4. Is the problem solved? Do the examples help to make sure that the program works correctly? Are illustrations of examples available in the report?
  5. Download the partner's program code and try running it according to the instructions in the report.
  6. Try running an example of a 2000+ vertex graph and estimate its execution time. 
  7. The partner also takes all the previous steps. 
  8. Make a brief summary of the partner's work for the teacher (p3 - p6). 
  9. The teacher talks to both partners and transfers the grades to SIS.

Jaanus Pöial