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String Algorithms, Compression

Author: PhD Jaanus Pöial, Estonian IT College

All videoclips are captured during fall semester of 2011 when the course was taught in English.

Learning outcomes:
  1. Student knows the basic definitions of the field
  2. Student knows  some classical string algorithms for exact matching, coding and compressing (Knuth-Morris-Pratt, Boyer-Moore, Rabin-Karp, Shannon-Fano, Huffman)
  3. Student is able to implement a compression algorithm in object oriented framework
Video (163 min)
Video 1 - String algorithms: exact matching
Video 2 - Coding and compressing
Video 3 - Huffman and Shannon-Fano methods
Video 4 - Longest common subsequence problem
Lecture Notes
Lecture 1 - String algorithms: exact matching (linear, Knuth-Morris-Pratt, Boyer-Moore, Rabin-Karp) (in Estonian: sõnealgoritmid, täpne otsimine)
Lecture 2 - Text processing - coding and compressing (in Estonian: kodeerimine ja pakkimine)

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