Homework 2018-2019 Spring Grading 50% is home project Home project Min 10 domain entities - not counting m:m in-between entities and identity entities. Home project grading 50% final presentation and code Project stages 50% Every day over deadline - 10% 50% / stage count = percents per stage. Every late day 10% of percents per stage. So max late days is 9! Deadline 01 - 2019-02-24 23:59:59 Domain models + CRUD controllers ERD Schema (QSee, UML, ....) Project description - using of school written policy is mandatory. Actual content minimum 1/2 of A4. Deadline 02 - 2019-03-12 23:59:59 According to your domain models, implement all repos and UOW Replace in minimum 3 (where you have queries with .include()) controllers AppDbContext with AppUnitOfWork Deadline 03 - 2019-03-31 23:59:59 Replace default template in Admin and main area. Make Client and Admin webs visually different! Replace all viewbag/viewdata in controllers with strongly typed viewmodels. Replace AppDbContext with AppUnitOfWork everywhere! Deadline 04 - 2019-04-24 23:59:59 Implement BLL/Services, replace UOW in controllers with BLL. Deadline 05 - 2019-05-02 23:59:59 Add language support and language selection in UI. Translate all your cshtml views and DTO atributes using resx files. Deadline 06 - 2019-05-14 23:59:59 Add content translations