Demos: Homeworks go here: Git server: Repository: ics0031-2019f In total there are X homeworks. Mandatory are X-Y=Z homeworks. If student is late in any of mandatory homeworks, then he/she has to do Z+A <= X homeworks. HW1 - mandatory Deadline 2019-10-06 23:59:59 Crypto algorithm to implement in C#. No bigints, no crypto libraries! Cesar - encrypt/decrypt Vigenere - encrypt/decrypt Diffie Helman key exchange (fix prime P in code, find values for testing from internet). Provide console based UI. Validate all inputs. HW2 - mandatory Deadline 2019-10-20 23:59:59 Demo code written in lecture: RSA implementation Generate public and private keys Encrypt and decrypt some strings, do it character by character. Break cypher using "Brute Force approach", when you know the public key. HW3 - break into Deadline 2019-11-10 23:59:59 Hack into system, make a posting with your name into bragging forum. Take screenshot of your forumn posting (with uni-id) and save it to git as HW3. HW4 - Labs in RangeForce Deadline 2020-01-12 23:59 Possibility to check everything F2F: 2019-12-21, 2020-01-06, 2020-01-10 (C# examination is on these dates) In person meeting is not mandatory. Please use understandable username/email on rangeforce, so it's possible to connect you with OIS. Quantity: 44 Not mandatory WASE Learning - XML External Entities WASE Learning - Blind NoSQL Injection: Find & Exploit (Meteor) Mandatory WASE Assesment Total:out of remaining 41 - you have to do 35. HW4 - Labs in RangeForce Deadline is extended till 2020-01-14 23:59