Here are command-line versions of generating, checking checksums with example file.iso - replace with appropriate one. There are also GUI programs available. MS Windows, GNU/Linux (available also in package manager): GtkHash MS Windows, GNU/Linux, macOS: MS Windows Online: MD5, SHA1, SHA256 - many different - MS Windows ---------- Get SHA256 checksum certUtil -hashfile file.iso sha256 remove last confirmation line: certutil -v -hashfile file.iso sha256 | find /V "CertUtil" to get UNIX-like output, use in Powershell: $(CertUtil -hashfile .\file.iso sha256)[1] -replace " ","" e.g for more .iso files: for %i in (*.iso) DO CertUtil -hashfile %i sha256 | find /V "CertUtil" for all files use (*): for %i in (*) DO CertUtil -hashfile %i sha256 | find /V "CertUtil" default SHA1, supports also: MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512 Powershell get-filehash -algorithm sha256 file.iso supported are: SHA1 | SHA256 | SHA384 | SHA512 | MACTripleDES | MD5 | RIPEMD160 help at Powershell: get-help get-filehash Additionally sha256sum for MS Windows (works the same as Linux sha256sum): more information GNU/Linux, MS Windows --------------------- generate SHA256 checksum: sha256sum file.iso redirect SHA256 checksum into file sha256sum file.iso > checksum.txt checking the SHA256 checksum: sha256sum -c checksum.txt ignore missing files (e.g. checksum file contains more checksums than downloaded files) sha256sum -c checksum.txt --ignore-missing same applies to similar utilities: shasum, sha1sum, sha224sum, sha384sum, sha512sum, md5sum the shasum (default SHA1, 160-bit), md5sum do not support --ignore-missing for more files use the wildcard, e.g. all files with certain extension in current folder: sha256sum *.iso more information: man shasum hint: put both files (file + its checksum) into same folder if not in same folder, appropriate path should be described macOS, GNU/Linux ---------------- generate SHA256 checksum: shasum -a 256 file.iso redirect SHA256 checksum into file: shasum -a 256 file.iso > checksum.txt checking the SHA256 checksum: shasum -a 256 -c checksum.txt - - - openssl sha256 file.iso other supported by openssl: MD2, MD5, MDC2, RMD160, SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512