File management --------------- pwd - see your location root folder? / - root directory /root - user root home go back to home folder cd cd ~ ls to list directory content man ls hidden files, folders: ls -a ls -dl dir (shows dir itself, not content) change directory cd cd .. (up one step) cd ../.. (up two step) create directory mkdir dir-name mkdir -p /f1/f2/f3 mkdir test mkdir f1 f2 f3 create multiple folders with one command mkdir sa{1..50} mkdir -p sa{1..50}/sax{1..50} mkdir {a-z}12345 mkdir {1,2,3} mkdir test{01..10} mkdir -p `date '+%y%m%d'`/{1,2,3} mkdir -p $USER/{1,2,3} you can run separate commands between backticks mkdir `cat list` check: ls | grep -i TEST path: ~/test/ /home/user/test/ | pipe redirect previous command output to next command input && combine multiple commands into one line, if previous command has an error then next command will not be executed & run command in background move (mv), copy (cp) cp source destination deleting rm test