During this test you’ll have to complete various operations on the command line. Some are simple and some more complex. Operations are executed in the /root directory and with root privileges, unless stated otherwise. The virtual machine must have at least two disks. Often, you will need software that is not installed. You'll need to install them yourself. Keep your command history, because it may be used during the grading process! Start by firstly reading through the text below and if you notice tasks or assignments that cannot be done, please write the number and also reason down in the file you create in the second point. Remove all files and folders from the /root directory that do not begin with a dot. rm -rf * ls | xargs rm -rf rm -rf [!.]* Create a text file named 10.05.2016 nano 10.05.2016 touch 10.05.2016 > 10.05.2016 Execute the command uptime and direct the result in a file named -test uptime > -test cat ./-time Run the software repository update command and direct the outcome of the process into a file named updaterepo.txt (1p) sudo -i apt update > updaterepo.txt Give the file -test created in the third point the following user permissions: User can read and write to the file, group can’t do anything with it and other users can execute the file, but cannot view the contents of a file or modify it. (Overwrite existing permissions) (1p) chmod 601 -- -test chmod 601 ./-test Copy /etc folder to root user’s home folder, so that the owner, group and file permissions remain the same as they are for the original folder. Direct the command syntax also to the end of file 10.05.2016 created in the second point. (1p) cp -a /etc /root Create a user merle and give her permissions to become root user using sudo. (1p) adduser merle useradd merle (bad idea) you need to define: home shell password usermod -a -G sudo merle getent group sudo cat /etc/group | grep sudo Lock the user merle and direct the info that proves the user has been locked to a file named merleislocked (1p) usermod -L -e 1 merle chage -l merle | grep Account > merleislocked unlocking: usermod -U -e 9999 merle chage -E -1 merle Create a hard link named #@& for the folder /var/tmp (create the folder if it’s not present. (1p) ln /var/tmp '#@&' 2>> 10.05.2016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_streams Remove all existing swap files and partitions from /dev/sdb and also prior disk management configuration file entries. Create on /dev/sdb an extended partition with size of 1GB. Create on the extended partition one logical partition with 512MB in size. Create a primary partition with 200MB in size. On the first logical partition create an ext2 filesystem and mount the partition into a folder /mnt/your/valuable/data. Create the directory if not present and make this configuration permanent in the disk management configuration file. On the primary partition create a swap area and configure it also in the disk management configuration file. Create a swapfile named /smallswap with the size of 10MB and configure it also in the disk management configuration file. Unmount all /dev/sdb disk partitions and switch off all swap areas. (5p) Look out from the /var/log folder all the files not older than 24 hours that belong to root user and direct the result into a file named oldies.txt (1p) Find out the version number of the package uptime and direct the result into a file named uptime.txt (install the needed package if necessary) (1p) Search the contents of /var and its subfolder that have the word auth (no matter whether the word, in front of or behind the word or in uppercase or lowercase) and direct the result to a file named authenticate.txt (1p) Find the student user’s ID (UID) and group ID (GID) and direct the output of these two values using cowsay in the end of a file named UIDGID.txt Both values have to be present. (1p) Execute the command date and direct the output in the end of a file named -test