Description Windows Mac OS X Description Windows Mac OS X - Open a new Cmap for editing ctrl+N command+N - Create a new folder ctrl-shift+N shift+command+N - Open selected Cmaps, folders or resources enter return - Close the Views window ctrl+W command+W - Print the current view ctrl+P command+P - Exit CmapTools ctrl+Q command+Q - Hide CmapTools command+H - Hide all other windows except CmapTools option+command+H - Cut selected Cmaps, folders and/or resources ctrl+X command+X - Copy selected Cmaps, folders and/or resources ctrl+C command+C - Paste resources from the clipboard onto a selected folder ctrl+V command+v - Rename a selected Cmap, folder, or resource F2 F2 - Delete selected Cmaps, folders, and/or resources Delete command+delete - Refresh the contents of the current view F5 F5 - Display the properties of a selected Cmap, folder or resource alt+enter option+return - Close the Views window option+F4 Description Windows Mac OS X - Open a new Cmap for editing ctrl+N command+N - Close the active Cmap ctrl+W command+N - Save the active Cmap ctrl+S command+S - Open the "Save Cmap As" dialogue box ctrl+shift+S shift+command+S - Print the active Cmap ctrl+P command+P - Exit CmapTools ctrl+Q command+Q - Undo the last action performed on the active Cmap ctrl+Z command+Z - Redo the last action on the active Cmap ctrl+Y command+Y - Cut selected Cmap items ctrl+X command+X - Copy selected Cmap items ctrl+C command+C - Paste items from the clipboard to the active Cmap ctrl+V command+V - Delete selected Cmap items Delete Delete - Select all items on the active Cmap ctrl+A command+A - Add and edit links to resources ctrl+R command+R - Find specific text in the active Cmap ctrl+F command+F - Find the next instance of the text that was found previously ctrl+G command+G - Open the Styles window ctrl+T command+T - Perform an autolayout on the active Cmap ctrl+L command+L - Hide CmapTools command+H - Expand a set of selected items ctrl+] command+] - Shrink a set of selected items ctrl+[ command+[ - Create a nested node from selected items ctrl+B command+B