Lab 8 - Exhaustive Search

  1. Open your homework 7 on the classroom computer (use IntelliJ or any other existing IDE).
  2. Give the program three words as input data: {"ABCDEFGHIJAB", "ABCDEFGHIJA", "ACEHJBDFGIAC"} and run Measure the approximate running time.
  3. The program must find exactly two solutions, if this is not the case, correct the program.
  4. Give the program three words as input data: {"CBEHEIDGEI", "CBEHEIDGEI", "BBBBBBBBBB"} and run The program must not find any solution.
  5. The teacher asks questions and enters the grade in SIS.
  6. Ask anything that interests you about the exam, as this is the last meeting before the exam.
  7. Take the self test in Moodle (you can do this repeatedly) until you receive at least 80% result.
  8. Register for the exam in SIS.

Jaanus Pöial