Abstract Data Types, Stack and Queue

"Early" OOP. Set of values (domain), set of operations, notation. Primitive types vs. structured types. Encapsulation. Closed operations vs. open operations, type conversions. Imperative vs. object oriented notation for operations. Static types and dynamic types. Adding and removing elements, complexity issues.


LIFO - Last In First Out.  Top (Top Of Stack  = TOS) and bottom.
Main operations - push, pop, tos, underflow (and overflow) conditions
Forms of arithmetic expressions: infix, prefix, postfix, Reverse Polish Notation (RPN)
Examples - return stack, RPN calculator
Array based implementation of stack


FIFO - First In First Out
Main operations - add, remove, iterator, ...
Priority queue
Dynamic priority queue
Examples and complexity issues
Implementation of queue using circular buffer

Dequeue - Double Ended Queue
Abstract sequences

Pointers, lists: linked list, doubly linked list, circular list, lists with headers
Implementation of linked lists
Implementation of stacks   based on unidirectional (singly) linked list

Abstract Data Types, Stack, Queue

ADT - Abstract Data Type
  1. Set of values
  2. Set of operations
  3. (Notation)
Examples: complex numbers, polynomials, graphs, ...

Object Oriented Programming fully supports this idea.

Set of values:

  1. Primitive types, values are not structured: numbers, booleans, ...
  2. Structured types, value consists of components: array, record, object, ...
Operations (encapsulation):
  1. Closed, e.g. adding of complex numbers
  2. Open, e.g. comparison of values
  3. Type conversions, declarative and actual
Example. "sum" operation

Imperative approach: s = sum(a, b)            library function sum takes two parameters and returns their sum
Object oriented approach:  s = a.sum(b)    object a receives the message "sum" with parameter b and returns  a+b

Date structures may be:
  1. Static - number of components and types of components are fixed, e.g. complex number has two real number components
  2. Dynamic - number of components is varying, e.g. list, stack, queue, tree, graph, ....


LIFO - Last In First Out

Properties of stacks:

  1. Dynamic structure (number of elements is varying)
  2. All elements have the same type
  3. Order of elements is important - LIFO
  4. Typical operations: create a new stack, push an element, pop an element, read the topmost element, check underflow, check overflow, ...
In Java implementation of stacks is available in java.util.Stack (based on vector) or java.util.LinkedList  (based on doubly linked list).

Examples: evaluation of RPN expression, return stack for subroutines, traversing a tree structure, ...

Reverse Polish Notation

Infix:   (5-1) * 7 + 6 / 3

Prefix:   +( *( -( 5, 1), 7), /(6, 3))

Postfix: (((5, 1)-, 7)*, (6, 3)/ )+

RPN:      5 1 - 7 * 6 3 / + .

1 7 6 6 2
5 5 4 4 28 28 28 28 30
5 1 - 7 * 6 3 / +
Discussion: Implementation of a stack using arrays.


FIFO - First In First Out

Properties of queues:

  1. Dynamic structure (number of elements is varying)
  2. All elements have the same type
  3. Order of elements is important - FIFO
  4. Typical operations: create a new queue, add an element to the end, remove an element from the front, check underflow, check overflow, iterator, ...
In Java we can use java.util.LinkedList 
 Examples:  printing queue, graph traversal, project management, ....

Priority queue

Queue, where elements have priorities. "Remove" takes the first element of the highest priority. Implementation issues.

Dynamic priority queue

Priorities may change dynamically. Implementation issues.

Java API: java.util.LinkedList, java.util.Vector, java.util.Stack, ...

Linked Lists

Linked list consists of elements, which are connected using pointers. In Java there is no difference between an object and pointer - objects are represented by pointers!
Singly linked list (element points to the next element)
Doubly linked list (element points to the next element and to the previous element), carefully synchronize in implementation!
Circular list (no "first" element, all elements are equal and accessible)
List with header (avoid nullpointer exception, even if the list is empty it is represented by a non-null header)

Discuss the code. Discuss the pointer structures in general.

* Headerless singly linked list, elements are ordered by key field.
* @author Jaanus Poial
* @version 0.8
* @since JDK 1.5
public class Element implements java.util.Iterator<Element>,
Comparable<Element> {

/** key, ordering is defined by the key */
private String key;

/** next element in the list */
private Element next;

/** Default constructor. */
Element() {
this (null, null);

/** Constructor with key.
* @param v key
Element (String v){
this (v, null);

/** Constructor with key and next.
* @param v key
* @param e next
Element (String v, Element e) {
setKey (v);
setNext (e);

/** Getter method for <code> next </code> field.
* @return next element in the list or <code> null </code>.
public Element getNext() {
return next;

/** Setter method of the <code> next </code> field.
* @param e value to be stored
* @return "old" value of the field
public Element setNext (Element e) {
Element tmp = next;
next = e;
return tmp;

/** Getter method of the <code> key </code> field.
* @return key
public String getKey() {
return key;

/** Setter method of the <code> key </code> field.
* @param v key
* @return "old" value of the field
public String setKey (String v) {
String tmp = key;
key = v;
return tmp;

/** Comparison of elements. Delegated to comparison of keys.
* @param element second element in comparison
* @return int according to Comparable interface description
public int compareTo (Element element) {
return getKey().compareTo (element.getKey());

// Standard operations on the list - add, merge, delete, find

/** Add element to the list.
* @param e element to be added
* @return first element of the changed list
public Element add (Element e) {
if (e == null) return this; // actually, it is an error
if (e == this) return this; // it is an error, too
if (e.getKey().compareTo (getKey()) < 0) { // e.key < this.key
e.setNext (this); // add to the beginning of the list
return e;
Element ptr = this; // let us find the right place after ptr
while (ptr.getNext() != null) {
if (e.getKey().compareTo (ptr.getNext().getKey()) < 0) {
// add after ptr
e.setNext (ptr.getNext());
ptr.setNext (e);
return this;
ptr = ptr.getNext();
ptr.setNext (e); // add to the end
e.setNext (null); // just in case ...
return this;

/** Merge lists <code> this </code> and <code> e </code>.
* The result consists of shallow copies of original elements.
* @param e first element of the second list
* @return first element of the resulting list
public Element merge (Element e) {
Element j1 = this; // placeholder in the first list
Element j2 = e; // placeholder in the second list
Element smaller = null; // element to be cloned and added
if (j2 == null) {
smaller = j1;
j1 = j1.getNext(); // here j1 cannot be null
} else if (j2.getKey().compareTo (j1.getKey()) < 0) {
smaller = j2;
j2 = j2.getNext();
} else {
smaller = j1;
j1 = j1.getNext();
Element res = new Element (smaller.getKey(), null); // result
Element j = res; // placeholder in the resulting list
while ((j1 != null) && (j2 != null)) { // both lists are non-empty
if (j2.getKey().compareTo (j1.getKey()) < 0) {
smaller = j2;
j2 = j2.getNext();
} else {
smaller = j1;
j1 = j1.getNext();
j.setNext (new Element (smaller.getKey(), null));
j = j.getNext();
if (j1 == null) j1 = j2; // j1 is the remaining part
while (j1 != null) {
j.setNext (new Element (j1.getKey(), null));
j1 = j1.getNext();
j = j.getNext();
return res;

/** Delete an element from the list.
* @param e element to be deleted
* @return first element of the changed list or <code> null </code>
public Element delete (Element e) {
if (e == null) return this; // nothing to be deleted (error)
if (e == this) return getNext(); // delete the first element
Element ptr = this;
while (ptr != null) {
if (e == ptr.getNext()) {
ptr.setNext (e.getNext());
ptr = ptr.getNext();
return this;

/** Find an element by the value of key.
* @param key key to use
* @return element or <code> null </code>.
public Element find (String key) {
Element ptr = this;
while (ptr != null) {
if (key.compareTo (ptr.getKey()) == 0) return ptr;
ptr = ptr.getNext();
return null;

/** String representation uses keys.
* @return list of keys
public String toString() {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
Element ptr = this;
while (ptr != null) {
buffer.append (ptr.getKey().toString()); // key
if (ptr.getNext() != null)
buffer.append (", "); // delimiter in the middle
else buffer.append (";"); // delimiter in the end
ptr = ptr.getNext();
return buffer.toString(); // buffer -> String

/** Does there exist a next element.
* @return true or false
public boolean hasNext() {
return getNext() != null;

/** The next element in iterator.
* @return next element
public Element next() throws java.util.NoSuchElementException {
if (getNext() == null)
throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException();
return getNext();

public void remove() {
this.delete (getNext());

/** Main method.
* @param param command line arguments
public static void main (String[] param) {
System.out.println ("Start");
Element myList = null;
System.out.println (myList); // null
myList = new Element ("e1");
System.out.println (myList); // e1;
myList = myList.add (null);
System.out.println (myList); // e1;
myList = myList.add (new Element ("e0"));
System.out.println (myList); // e0, e1;
myList = myList.add (new Element ("e3"));
System.out.println (myList); // e0, e1, e3;
myList = myList.add (new Element ("e2"));
System.out.println (myList); // e0, e1, e2, e3;
myList = myList.delete (myList.find ("e4"));
System.out.println (myList); // e0, e1, e2, e3;
myList = myList.delete (myList.find ("e0"));
System.out.println (myList); // e1, e2, e3;
myList = myList.delete (myList.find ("e2"));
System.out.println (myList); // e1, e3;
myList = myList.delete (myList.find ("e3"));
System.out.println (myList); // e1;
myList = myList.delete (myList.find ("e1"));
System.out.println (myList); // null
Element otherList = new Element ("7");
myList = new Element ("5");
myList = myList.add (new Element ("3"));
otherList = otherList.add (new Element ("4"));
Element y = myList.merge (otherList);
System.out.println (y); // 3 4 5 7
System.out.println (myList); // 3 5
System.out.println (otherList); // 4 7
System.out.println ("Finish");



Jaanus Pöial