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Essentials of the JavaTMProgramming Language: A Hands-On Guide, Part 1

by Monica Pawlan


If you are new to programming in the JavaTM language, have some experience with other languages, and are familiar with things like displaying text or graphics or performing simple calculations, this tutorial could be for you. It walks through how to use the Java® 2 Platform software to create and run three common types of programs written for the Java platform—applications, applets, and servlets.

You will learn how applications, applets, and servlets are similar and different, how to build a basic user interface that handles simple end user input, how to read data from and write data to files and databases, and how to send and receive data over the network. This tutorial is not comprehensive, but instead takes you on a straight and uncomplicated path through the more common programming features available in the Java platform.

If you have no programming experience at all, you might still find this tutorial useful; but you also might want to take an introductory programming course or read Teach Yourself Java 2 Online in Web Time before you proceed.


Lesson 1: Compiling and Running a Simple Program

Lesson 2: Building Applications

Lesson 3: Building Applets

Lesson 4: Building a User Interface

Lesson 5: Writing Servlets

Lesson 6: File Access and Permissions

Lesson 7: Database Access and Permissions

Lesson 8: Remote Method Invocation

In Closing

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[ This page was updated: 6-Apr-2000 ]
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