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JavaTM Programming Language Basics, Part 1
In Closing


After completing this tutorial you should have a basic understanding of JavaTM programming and how to use some of the more common application programming interfaces (APIs) available in the Java platform. You should also have a solid understanding of the similarities and differences between the three most common kinds of Java programs: applications, applets, and servlets.

Java Programming Language Basics, Part 2, is now available. It covers sockets, threads, cryptography, building a more complex user interface, serialization, collections, internationalization, and Java Archive (JAR) files. It also presents object-oriented concepts as they relate to the examples in Part 1 and Part 2.

You can also explore programming in the Java language on your own with the help of the articles, training materials, other documents available on the Docs & Training page.

Monica Pawlan is a staff writer on the JDC team. She has a background in 2D and 3D graphics, security, database products, and loves to explore emerging technologies.

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[ This page was updated: 31-Mar-2000 ]
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