The MAGIC NUMBER for this file is 100199 GENERAL CONTENTS: This zip file contains all Java tutorial and Java link updates through 10/01/99. It also contains two versions of the alphabetical index (long version and short version). PRINTER FRIENDLY VERSION: This is a printer-friendly version. Advertisements have been removed. This makes the tutorial files more suitable for printing and saves paper, toner, and ink. It also makes the files load much more quickly. NO INTERNET CONNECTION REQUIRED: You can store the contents of this zip file on your laptop computer and study them without the requirement to be connected to the Internet. As an example of the benefits, this makes it possible for frequent flyers to study the tutorials while in airports and on airplanes. SPECIFIC CONTENTS: 1. This readme file named aa-readme.txt. 2. The Java tutorial lessons (approximately 175 files). 3 Table of Contents files named Java000A.htm, Java000B.htm, and Java000C.htm 3. Two separate alphabetical index files named: index.htm indx.htm 4. A set of approximately 25 files that constitute the links. 5. A file that is an index to the link files named jaxatop.htm PASSWORD PROTECTION: This readme file, the Table of Contents files, the first few lessons from each of the Introductory, Intermediate, and Advanced Java tutorials, and the index to the link files were placed in the zip file without a password. Therefore, they are available for you to access and use immediately. The remaining files in the zip file are password protected and you will need to have the password to extract them. OBTAINING THE PASSWORD: To obtain the password, do the following: Send an email message to me at the following email address: Promise that you will pay the amount of $9.95 (U.S dollars) within one week. Texas residents add 8.25 percent to cover Texas State and City of Austin sales tax. Include the MAGIC NUMBER given at the beginning of this document in your email message. (If you are one of my students, please advise me of that fact.) As soon as I receive your email message, I will send you the Primary password by return email. HOW TO PAY: To pay for the tutorials, send a check (drawn on a U.S bank) or a money order for the correct amount as described above to the following address in the United States of America: Richard Baldwin 11513 Antigua Drive Austin, TX 78759 USA In most countries outside the United States, you can purchase an International Money Order in U.S. Dollars at banks, American Express offices, telegraph offices, postal offices, and other financial institutions. FREE UPDATES FOR 90 DAYS: If you have purchased any of my Java tutorials within the past 90 days, you are eligible for up to three free updates during the first 90 days. Just send me an email message giving me the approximate date on which you made the purchase, your name, and the email address under which you made the purchase. I will send you the new password by return email. 91-DAY to 180-DAY UPDATES: If you have purchased the tutorials within the past 180 days, you are now eligible to purchase an updated version for 25% of the regular purchase price. Just send me an email with the approximate date of your purchase, your name, and the email address under which you made the purchase. Promise that you will pay the amount of $2.49 (U.S dollars) within one week. Texas residents add 8.25 percent to cover Texas State and City of Austin sales tax. Include the MAGIC NUMBER given at the beginning of this document in your email message. (If you are one of my students, please advise me of that fact.) As soon as I receive your email message, I will send you the password by return email. MORE THAN 180-DAY UPDATES: If you have purchased the tutorials in the past, you are now eligible to purchase an updated version for 50% of the current price. Just send me an email with the approximate date of your purchase, your name, and the email address under which you made the purchase. Promise that you will pay the amount of $4.98 (U.S dollars) within one week. Texas residents add 8.25 percent to cover Texas State and City of Austin sales tax. Include the MAGIC NUMBER given at the beginning of this document in your email message. (If you are one of my students, please advise me of that fact.) As soon as I receive your email message, I will send you the password by return email. FUTURE DISCOUNTS: If you make an update purchase at the 25% or 50% level, you will be eligible for free updates, as described above, for the next 90 days. You will be eligible for updates at 25% of the then-current price for 180 days as described above. You will be eligible for updates at 50% of the then-current price for as long as I am actively selling the tutorials. Thank you. Richard Baldwin