invokespecial | |
indexbyte1 | |
indexbyte2 |
invokespecial = 183 (0xb7)
..., objectref, [arg1, [arg2 ...]] ...
The unsigned indexbyte1 and indexbyte2 are used to construct an index into the constant pool of the current class (§3.6), where the value of the index is (indexbyte1 << 8) | indexbyte2. The item at that index in the constant pool must have the tag CONSTANT_Methodref
(§4.4.2), a reference to a class name, a method name, and the method's descriptor (§4.3.3). The named method is resolved (§5.2). The descriptor of the resolved method must be identical to the descriptor of one of the methods of the resolved class.
Next, the Java Virtual Machine determines if all of the following conditions are true:
, an instance initialization method (§3.8).
flag (see Table 4.1, "Class access and modifier flags") is set for the current class.
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Java Virtual Machine Specification (HTML generated by dkramer on February 25, 1997)
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