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Push item from constant pool


ldc = 18 (0x12)

... ..., item

The index is an unsigned byte that must be a valid index into the constant pool of the current class (§3.6). The constant pool entry at index must be a CONSTANT_Integer (§4.4.4), CONSTANT_Float (§4.4.4), or CONSTANT_String (§4.4.3). The constant pool entry is resolved (§5.4, §5.5). If the entry is a CONSTANT_Integer or CONSTANT_Float, it must contain a numeric item which is pushed onto the operand stack as an int or float, respectively.

If the entry at index is a CONSTANT_String, it must contain a CONSTANT_Utf8 (§4.4.7) string. An instance of class String is created and initialized to the CONSTANT_Utf8 string. The item, a reference to the instance, is pushed onto the operand stack.

Linking Exceptions
During resolution of a CONSTANT_String constant pool item, any of the exceptions documented in §5.4 can be thrown.

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