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Duplicate top two operand stack words and put four down


dup2_x2 = 94 (0x5e)

..., word4, word3, word2, word1 ..., word2, word1, word4, word3, word2, word1

The top two words on the operand stack are duplicated and the copies inserted, in the original order, four words down in the operand stack.

The dup2_x2 instruction must not be used unless each of word1 and word2 is a 32-bit data type or both together are the two words of a single 64-bit datum, and unless word3 and word4 are each a word that contains a 32-bit data type or both together are the two words of a single 64-bit datum.

Except for restrictions preserving the integrity of 64-bit data types, the dup2_x2 instruction operates on untyped words, ignoring the types of the data they contain.

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