- packages
- members of, 21
- term definition, 20
- parameters
- See also local variables
- constructors, as kind of variable, 11
- descriptor, syntax and meaning, 91
- exception handler, as kind of variable, 11
- formal, 28
- methods, as kind of variable, 11
- passive use
- term definition, 46
- pc (program counter) register
- term definition, 61
- performance
- implications, opcode design and alignment, 71
- pointers
- term definition, 9
- pop
- stack operand
- pop one words, pop, 323
- pop two words, pop2, 324
- pop instruction, 323
- pop2 instruction, 324
- positive infinity
- conversion of
- bytes item, CONSTANT_Float_info structure into, 97
- high_bytes and low_bytes items, CONSTANT_Double_info structure, 99
- pound sign (#)
- use in Java Virtual Machine assembly language example, 340
- precise
- term definition, 37
- precision
- See also numeric
- narrowing numeric conversion impact on, 78
- widening numeric conversion impact on, 77
- preparation
- overview, 41
- term definition, 44
- prescient store
- actions, with threads, 378
- primitive
- See also boolean; char type; conversions; floating-point; integers
- types
- as Java Virtual Machine data type, 57
- term definition, 58
- values, term definition, 58
- private keyword
- See also ACC_PRIVATE modifier
- access implications, 23
- methods, 28
- invoking, invokespecial, 261
- invoking, invokenonvirtual_quick, 406
- program counter
- See pc (program counter) register
- protected keyword
- See also ACC_PROTECTED modifier
- access implications, 23
- fields, structural constraints, 123
- methods, structural constraints, 123
- public keyword
- See also ACC_PUBLIC modifier
- access implications, 23
- class, term definition, 25
- methods, 28
- pushing
- byte, bipush, 171
- constants
- ldc, 291
- ldc_quick, 417
- wide index, ldc_w, 292
- wide index, ldc_w_quick, 418
- double
- dconst_<d>, 184
- wide index, ldc2_w, 294
- wide index, ldc2_w_quick, 419
- float, fconst_<f>, 212
- int, iconst_<i>, 242
- long
- constants, lconst_<l>, 290
- wide index, ldc2_w, 294
- wide index, ldc2_w_quick, 419
- null object references, aconst_null, 159
- short, sipush, 333
- putfield instruction, 325
- constraints
- static, 120
- structural, 123
- in Java Virtual Machine assembly language examples
- operand stack operations, 361
- working with class instances, 356
- putfield_quick instruction, 423
- putfield_quick_w instruction, 424
- putfield2_quick instruction, 426
- putstatic instruction, 327
- constraints
- static, 120
- structural, 123
- putstatic_quick instruction, 427
- putstatic2_quick instruction, 428
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Java Virtual Machine Specification
Copyright © 1996, 1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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Please send any comments or corrections to jvm@java.sun.com