- u1
- as class file data type, 83
- u2
- as class file data type, 83
- u4
- as class file data type, 83
- underflow
- floating-point, Java Virtual Machine handling, 76
- integer data types, not detected by Java Virtual Machine, 76
- Unicode
- digits, 6
- letters, 6
- references and characteristics, 5
- UnknownError
- as Java Virtual Machine error, 40
- unloading
- object reachability impact on, 52
- UnsatisfiedLinkError
- See also LinkageError
- invokeinterface, 260
- invokeinterface_quick, 403
- invokespecial, 263
- invokestatic, 266
- invokevirtual, 269
- invokevirtual_quick, 411
- invokevirtual_quick_w, 413
- invokevirtualobject_quick, 415
- URLs
- ftp://unicode.org, 5
- http://java.sun.com/docs/books/index.html, 5
- use
- of values, by threads, 54
- UTF-8 format
- See also CONSTANT_Utf8_info structure
- bibliographic reference, 101
- standard, differences between Java Virtual Machine UTF-8 strings and, 101
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Java Virtual Machine Specification
Copyright © 1996, 1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
All rights reserved
Please send any comments or corrections to jvm@java.sun.com