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The Java Virtual Machine Specification

The Java Series

Lisa Friendly, Series Editor

Bill Joy, Technical Advisor

The Java Programming Language

Ken Arnold and James Gosling ISBN 0-201-63455-4

The Java Language Specification James Gosling, Bill Joy, and Guy Steele ISBN 0-201-63451-1

The Java Virtual Machine Specification Tim Lindholm and Frank Yellin ISBN 0-201-63452-X

The Java Application Programming Interface, Volume 1: Core Packages James Gosling, Frank Yellin, and the Java Team ISBN 0-201-63453-8

The Java Application Programming Interface, Volume 2: Window Toolkit and Applets James Gosling, Frank Yellin, and the Java Team ISBN 0-201-63459-7

The Java Tutorial: Object-Oriented Programming for the Internet Mary Campione and Kathy Walrath ISBN 0-201-63454-6

The Java Class Libraries: An Annotated Reference Patrick Chan and Rosanna Lee ISBN 0-201-63458-9

The Java FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions Jonni Kanerva ISBN 0-201-63456-2

The Java Virtual Machine Specification

Tim Lindholm Frank Yellin


An imprint of Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.

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