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The new collections

To me, collection classes are one of the most powerful tools for raw programming. You might have gathered that I’m somewhat disappointed in the collections provided in Java through version 1.1. As a result, it’s a tremendous pleasure to see that collections were given proper attention in Java 1.2, and thoroughly redesigned (by Joshua Bloch at Sun). I consider the new collections to be one of the two major features in Java 1.2 (the other is the Swing library, covered in Chapter 13) because they significantly increase your programming muscle and help bring Java in line with more mature programming systems.

Some of the redesign makes things tighter and more sensible. For example, many names are shorter, cleaner, and easier to understand, as well as to type. Some names are changed to conform to accepted terminology: a particular favorite of mine is “iterator” instead of “enumeration.”

The redesign also fills out the functionality of the collections library. You can now have the behavior of linked lists, queues, and dequeues (double-ended queues, pronounced “decks”).

The design of a collections library is difficult (true of most library design problems). In C++, the STL covered the bases with many different classes. This was better than what was available prior to the STL (nothing), but it didn’t translate well into Java. The result was a rather confusing morass of classes. On the other extreme, I’ve seen a collections library that consists of a single class, “collection,” which acts like a Vector and a Hashtable at the same time. The designers of the new collections library wanted to strike a balance: the full functionality that you expect from a mature collections library, but easier to learn and use than the STL and other similar collections libraries. The result can seem a bit odd in places. Unlike some of the decisions made in the early Java libraries, these oddities were not accidents, but carefully considered decisions based on tradeoffs in complexity. It might take you a little while to get comfortable with some aspects of the library, but I think you’ll find yourself rapidly acquiring and using these new tools.

The new collections library takes the issue of “holding your objects” and divides it into two distinct concepts:

  1. Collection: a group of individual elements, often with some rule applied to them. A List must hold the elements in a particular sequence, and a Set cannot have any duplicate elements. (A bag, which is not implemented in the new collections library since Lists provide you with that functionality, has no such rules.)
  2. Map: a group of key-value object pairs (what you’ve seen up until now as a Hashtable). At first glance, this might seem like it ought to be a Collection of pairs, but when you try to implement it that way the design gets awkward, so it’s clearer to make it a separate concept. On the other hand, it’s convenient to look at portions of a Map by creating a Collection to represent that portion. Thus, a Map can return a Set of its keys, a List of its values, or a List of its pairs. Maps, like arrays, can easily be expanded to multiple dimensions without adding new concepts: you simply make a Map whose values are Maps (and the values of those Maps can be Maps, etc.).
Collections and Maps may be implemented in many different ways, according to your programming needs. It’s helpful to look at a diagram of the new collections:

This diagram can be a bit overwhelming at first, but throughout the rest of this chapter you’ll see that there are really only three collection components: Map, List, and Set, and only two or three implementations of each one [37] (with, typically, a preferred version). When you see this, the new collections should not seem so daunting.

The dashed boxes represent interfaces, the dotted boxes represent abstract classes, and the solid boxes are regular (concrete) classes. The dashed arrows indicate that a particular class is implementing an interface (or in the case of an abstract class, partially implementing that interface). The double-line arrows show that a class can produce objects of the class the arrow is pointing to. For example, any Collection can produce an Iterator, while a List can produce a ListIterator (as well as an ordinary Iterator, since List is inherited from Collection).

The interfaces that are concerned with holding objects are Collection, List, Set, and Map. Typically, you’ll write the bulk of your code to talk to these interfaces, and the only place where you’ll specify the precise type you’re using is at the point of creation. So you can create a List like this:

List x = new LinkedList();

Of course, you can also decide to make x a LinkedList (instead of a generic List) and carry the precise type information around with x. The beauty (and the intent) of using the interface is that if you decide you want to change your implementation, all you need to do is change it at the point of creation, like this:

List x = new ArrayList();

The rest of your code can remain untouched.

In the class hierarchy, you can see a number of classes whose names begin with “ Abstract,” and these can seem a bit confusing at first. They are simply tools that partially implement a particular interface. If you were making your own Set, for example, you wouldn’t start with the Set interface and implement all the methods, instead you’d inherit from AbstractSet and do the minimal necessary work to make your new class. However, the new collections library contains enough functionality to satisfy your needs virtually all the time. So for our purposes, you can ignore any class that begins with “ Abstract.”

Therefore, when you look at the diagram, you’re really concerned with only those interfaces at the top of the diagram and the concrete classes (those with solid boxes around them). You’ll typically make an object of a concrete class, upcast it to the corresponding interface, and then use the interface throughout the rest of your code. Here’s a simple example, which fills a Collection with String objects and then prints each element in the Collection:


// A simple example using the new Collections

package c08.newcollections;

import java.util.*;

public class SimpleCollection {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    Collection c = new ArrayList();

    for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)


    Iterator it = c.iterator();




} ///:~ 

All the code examples for the new collections libraries will be placed in the subdirectory newcollections, so you’ll be reminded that these work only with Java 1.2. As a result, you must invoke the program by saying:

java c08.newcollections.SimpleCollection

with a similar syntax for the rest of the programs in the package.

You can see that the new collections are part of the java.util library, so you don’t need to add any extra import statements to use them.

The first line in main( ) creates an ArrayList object and then upcasts it to a Collection. Since this example uses only the Collection methods, any object of a class inherited from Collection would work, but ArrayList is the typical workhorse Collection and takes the place of Vector.

The add( ) method, as its name suggests, puts a new element in the Collection. However, the documentation carefully states that add( ) “ensures that this Collection contains the specified element.” This is to allow for the meaning of Set, which adds the element only if it isn’t already there. With an ArrayList, or any sort of List, add( ) always means “put it in.”

All Collections can produce an Iterator via their iterator( ) method. An Iterator is just like an Enumeration, which it replaces, except:

  1. It uses a name (iterator) that is historically understood and accepted in the OOP community.
  2. It uses shorter method names than Enumeration: hasNext( ) instead of hasMoreElements( ), and next( ) instead of nextElement( ).
  3. It adds a new method, remove( ), which removes the last element produced by the Iterator. So you can call remove( ) only once for every time you call next( ).
In, you can see that an Iterator is created and used to traverse the Collection, printing each element.

Using Collections

The following table shows everything you can do with a Collection, and thus, everything you can do with a Set or a List. ( List also has additional functionality.) Maps are not inherited from Collection, and will be treated separately.

boolean add(Object)

*Ensures that the Collection contains the argument. Returns false if it doesn’t add the argument.

boolean addAll(Collection)

*Adds all the elements in the argument. Returns true if any elements were added.

void clear( )

*Removes all the elements in the Collection.

boolean contains(Object)

True if the Collection contains the argument.

boolean containsAll(Collection)

True if the Collection contains all the elements in the argument.

boolean isEmpty( )

True if the Collection has no elements.

Iterator iterator( )

Returns an Iterator that you can use to move through the elements in the Collection.

boolean remove(Object)

*If the argument is in the Collection, one instance of that element is removed. Returns true if a removal occurred.

boolean removeAll(Collection)

*Removes all the elements that are contained in the argument. Returns true if any removals occurred.

boolean retainAll(Collection)

*Retains only elements that are contained in the argument (an “intersection” from set theory). Returns true if any changes occurred.

int size( )

Returns the number of elements in the Collection.

Object[] toArray( )

Returns an array containing all the elements in the Collection.

*This is an “optional” method, which means it might not be implemented by a particular Collection. If not, that method throws an UnsupportedOperationException. Exceptions will be covered in Chapter 9.

The following example demonstrates all of these methods. Again, these work with anything that inherits from Collection; an ArrayList is used as a kind of “least-common denominator”:


// Things you can do with all Collections

package c08.newcollections;

import java.util.*;

public class Collection1 {

  // Fill with 'size' elements, start

  // counting at 'start':

  public static Collection 

  fill(Collection c, int start, int size) {

    for(int i = start; i < start + size; i++)


    return c;


  // Default to a "start" of 0:

  public static Collection 

  fill(Collection c, int size) {

    return fill(c, 0, size);


  // Default to 10 elements:

  public static Collection fill(Collection c) {

    return fill(c, 0, 10);


  // Create & upcast to Collection:

  public static Collection newCollection() {

    return fill(new ArrayList());

    // ArrayList is used for simplicity, but it's

    // only seen as a generic Collection 

    // everywhere else in the program.


  // Fill a Collection with a range of values:

  public static Collection 

  newCollection(int start, int size) {

    return fill(new ArrayList(), start, size);


  // Moving through a List with an iterator:

  public static void print(Collection c) {

    for(Iterator x = c.iterator(); x.hasNext();)

      System.out.print( + " ");



  public static void main(String[] args) {

    Collection c = newCollection();




    // Find max and min elements; this means

    // different things depending on the way

    // the Comparable interface is implemented:

    System.out.println("Collections.max(c) = " +


    System.out.println("Collections.min(c) = " +


    // Add a Collection to another Collection



    c.remove("3"); // Removes the first one


    c.remove("3"); // Removes the second one


    // Remove all components that are in the

    // argument collection:





    // Is an element in this Collection?


      "c.contains(\"4\") = " + c.contains("4"));

    // Is a Collection in this Collection?


      "c.containsAll(newCollection()) = " + 


    Collection c2 = newCollection(5, 3);

    // Keep all the elements that are in both

    // c and c2 (an intersection of sets):



    // Throw away all the elements in c that

    // also appear in c2:


    System.out.println("c.isEmpty() = " +


    c = newCollection();


    c.clear(); // Remove all elements

    System.out.println("after c.clear():");



} ///:~ 

The first methods provide a way to fill any Collection with test data, in this case just ints converted to Strings. The second method will be used frequently throughout the rest of this chapter.

The two versions of newCollection( ) create ArrayLists containing different sets of data and return them as Collection objects, so it’s clear that nothing other than the Collection interface is being used.

The print( ) method will also be used throughout the rest of this section. Since it moves through a Collection using an Iterator, which any Collection can produce, it will work with Lists and Sets and any Collection that a Map produces.

main( ) uses simple exercises to show all of the methods in Collection.

The following sections compare the various implementations of List, Set, and Map and indicate in each case (with an asterisk) which one should be your default choice. You’ll notice that the legacy classes Vector, Stack, and Hashtable are not included because in all cases there are preferred classes within the new collections.

Using Lists

List (interface)

Order is the most important feature of a List; it promises to maintain elements in a particular sequence. List adds a number of methods to Collection that allow insertion and removal of elements in the middle of a List. (This is recommended only for a LinkedList.) A List will produce a ListIterator, and using this you can traverse the List in both directions, as well as insert and remove elements in the middle of the list (again, recommended only for a LinkedList).


A List backed by an array. Use instead of Vector as a general-purpose object holder. Allows rapid random access to elements, but is slow when inserting and removing elements from the middle of a list. ListIterator should be used only for back-and-forth traversal of an ArrayList, but not for inserting and removing elements, which is expensive compared to LinkedList.


Provides optimal sequential access, with inexpensive insertions and deletions from the middle of the list. Relatively slow for random access. (Use ArrayList instead.) Also has addFirst( ), addLast( ), getFirst( ), getLast( ), removeFirst( ), and removeLast( ) (which are not defined in any interfaces or base classes) to allow it to be used as a stack, a queue, and a dequeue.

The methods in the following example each cover a different group of activities: things that every list can do ( basicTest( )), moving around with an Iterator ( iterMotion( )) versus changing things with an Iterator ( iterManipulation( )), seeing the effects of List manipulation ( testVisual( )), and operations available only to LinkedLists.


// Things you can do with Lists

package c08.newcollections;

import java.util.*;

public class List1 {

  // Wrap Collection1.fill() for convenience:

  public static List fill(List a) {

    return (List)Collection1.fill(a);


  // You can use an Iterator, just as with a

  // Collection, but you can also use random

  // access with get():

  public static void print(List a) {

    for(int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++)

      System.out.print(a.get(i) + " ");



  static boolean b;

  static Object o;

  static int i;

  static Iterator it;

  static ListIterator lit;

  public static void basicTest(List a) {

    a.add(1, "x"); // Add at location 1

    a.add("x"); // Add at end

    // Add a collection:

    a.addAll(fill(new ArrayList()));

    // Add a collection starting at location 3:

    a.addAll(3, fill(new ArrayList())); 

    b = a.contains("1"); // Is it in there?

    // Is the entire collection in there?

    b = a.containsAll(fill(new ArrayList()));

    // Lists allow random access, which is cheap

    // for ArrayList, expensive for LinkedList:

    o = a.get(1); // Get object at location 1

    i = a.indexOf("1"); // Tell index of object

    // indexOf, starting search at location 2:

    i = a.indexOf("1", 2);

    b = a.isEmpty(); // Any elements inside?

    it = a.iterator(); // Ordinary Iterator

    lit = a.listIterator(); // ListIterator

    lit = a.listIterator(3); // Start at loc 3

    i = a.lastIndexOf("1"); // Last match 

    i = a.lastIndexOf("1", 2); // ...after loc 2

    a.remove(1); // Remove location 1

    a.remove("3"); // Remove this object

    a.set(1, "y"); // Set location 1 to "y"

    // Make an array from the List:

    Object[] array = a.toArray(); 

    // Keep everything that's in the argument

    // (the intersection of the two sets):

    a.retainAll(fill(new ArrayList()));

    // Remove elements in this range:

    a.removeRange(0, 2);

    // Remove everything that's in the argument:

    a.removeAll(fill(new ArrayList()));

    i = a.size(); // How big is it?

    a.clear(); // Remove all elements


  public static void iterMotion(List a) {

    ListIterator it = a.listIterator();

    b = it.hasNext();

    b = it.hasPrevious();

    o =;

    i = it.nextIndex();

    o = it.previous();

    i = it.previousIndex();


  public static void iterManipulation(List a) {

    ListIterator it = a.listIterator();


    // Must move to an element after add():;

    // Remove the element that was just produced:


    // Must move to an element after remove():;

    // Change the element that was just produced:



  public static void testVisual(List a) {


    List b = new ArrayList();


    System.out.print("b = ");



    a.addAll(fill(new ArrayList()));


    // Shrink the list by removing all the 

    // elements beyond the first 1/2 of the list



    a.removeRange(a.size()/2, a.size()/2 + 2);


    // Insert, remove, and replace elements

    // using a ListIterator:

    ListIterator x = a.listIterator(a.size()/2);








    // Traverse the list backwards:

    x = a.listIterator(a.size());


      System.out.print(x.previous() + " ");


    System.out.println("testVisual finished");


  // There are some things that only

  // LinkedLists can do:

  public static void testLinkedList() {

    LinkedList ll = new LinkedList();

    Collection1.fill(ll, 5);


    // Treat it like a stack, pushing:




    // Like "peeking" at the top of a stack:


    // Like popping a stack:



    // Treat it like a queue, pulling elements

    // off the tail end:


    // With the above operations, it's a dequeue!



  public static void main(String args[]) {

    // Make and fill a new list each time:

    basicTest(fill(new LinkedList()));

    basicTest(fill(new ArrayList()));

    iterMotion(fill(new LinkedList()));

    iterMotion(fill(new ArrayList()));

    iterManipulation(fill(new LinkedList()));

    iterManipulation(fill(new ArrayList()));

    testVisual(fill(new LinkedList()));



} ///:~ 

In basicTest( ) and iterMotion( ) the calls are simply made to show the proper syntax, and while the return value is captured, it is not used. In some cases, the return value isn’t captured since it isn’t typically used. You should look up the full usage of each of these methods in your online documentation before you use them.

Using Sets

Set has exactly the same interface as Collection, so there isn’t any extra functionality as there is with the two different Lists. Instead, the Set is exactly a Collection, it just has different behavior. (This is the ideal use of inheritance and polymorphism: to express different behavior.) A Set allows only one instance of each object value to exist (what constitutes the “value” of an object is more complex, as you shall see).

Set (interface)

Each element that you add to the Set must be unique; otherwise the Set doesn’t add the duplicate element. Objects added to a Set must define equals( ) to establish object uniqueness. Set has exactly the same interface as Collection. A Set does not guarantee it will maintain its elements in any particular order.


For all Sets except very small ones. Objects must also define hashCode( ).


A Set backed by an array. Designed for very small Sets, especially those that are frequently created and destroyed. For small Sets, creation and iteration is substantially cheaper than for HashSet. Performance gets quite bad when the Set is large. HashCode( ) is not required.


An ordered Set backed by a red-black tree. [38] This way, you can extract an ordered sequence from a Set.

The following example does not show everything you can do with a Set, since the interface is the same as Collection and so was exercised in the previous example. Instead, this demonstrates the behavior that makes a Set unique:


// Things you can do with Sets

package c08.newcollections;

import java.util.*;

public class Set1 {

  public static void testVisual(Set a) {




    Collection1.print(a); // No duplicates!

    // Add another set to this one:






    // Look something up:

    System.out.println("a.contains(\"one\"): " +



  public static void main(String[] args) {

    testVisual(new HashSet());

    testVisual(new ArraySet());


} ///:~ 

Duplicate values are added to the Set, but when it is printed you’ll see the Set has accepted only one instance of each value.

When you run this program you’ll notice that the order maintained by the HashSet is different from ArraySet, since each has a different way of storing elements so they can be located later. ( ArraySet keeps them sorted, while HashSet uses a hashing function, which is designed specifically for rapid lookups.) When creating your own types, be aware that a Set needs a way to maintain a storage order, just as with the “groundhog” examples shown earlier in this chapter. Here’s an example:


// Putting your own type in a Set

package c08.newcollections;

import java.util.*;

class MyType {

  private int i;

  public MyType(int n) { i = n;}

  public boolean equals(Object o) {

    if ((o != null) && (o instanceof MyType))


        i == ((MyType)o).i;

    else return false;


  // Required for HashSet, not for ArraySet:  

  public int hashCode() { return i; }

  public String toString() { return i + " "; }


public class Set2 {

  public static Set fill(Set a, int size) {

    for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)

      a.add(new MyType(i));

    return a;


  public static Set fill(Set a) {

    return fill(a, 10);


  public static void test(Set a) {


    fill(a); // Try to add duplicates


    a.addAll(fill(new ArraySet()));



  public static void main(String[] args) {

    test(new HashSet());

    test(new ArraySet());


} ///:~ 

The definitions for equals( ) and hashCode( ) follow the form given in the “groundhog” examples. You must define an equals( ) in both cases, but the hashCode( ) is necessary only if the class will be placed in a HashSet (which is likely, since that should generally be your first choice as a Set implementation).

Using Maps

Map (interface)

Maintains key-value associations (pairs), so you can look up a value using a key.


Implementation based on a hash table. (Use this instead of Hashtable.) Provides constant-time performance for inserting and locating pairs. Performance can be adjusted via constructors that allow you to set the capacity and load factor of the hash table.


Map backed by an ArrayList. Gives precise control over the order of iteration. Designed for very small Maps, especially those that are frequently created and destroyed. For very small Maps, creation and iteration is substantially cheaper than for HashMap. Performance gets very bad when the Map is large.


Implementation based on a red-black tree. When you view the keys or the pairs, they will be in sorted order (determined by Comparable or Comparator, discussed later). The point of a TreeMap is that you get the results in sorted order. TreeMap is the only Map with the subMap( ) method, which allows you to return a portion of the tree.

The following example contains two sets of test data and a fill( ) method that allows you to fill any map with any two-dimensional array of Objects. These tools will be used in other Map examples, as well.


// Things you can do with Maps

package c08.newcollections;

import java.util.*;

public class Map1 {

  public final static String[][] testData1 = {

    { "Happy", "Cheerful disposition" },

    { "Sleepy", "Prefers dark, quiet places" },

    { "Grumpy", "Needs to work on attitude" },

    { "Doc", "Fantasizes about advanced degree"},

    { "Dopey", "'A' for effort" },

    { "Sneezy", "Struggles with allergies" },

    { "Bashful", "Needs self-esteem workshop"},


  public final static String[][] testData2 = {

    { "Belligerent", "Disruptive influence" },

    { "Lazy", "Motivational problems" },

    { "Comatose", "Excellent behavior" }


  public static Map fill(Map m, Object[][] o) {

    for(int i = 0; i < o.length; i++)

      m.put(o[i][0], o[i][1]);

    return m;


  // Producing a Set of the keys:

  public static void printKeys(Map m) {

    System.out.print("Size = " + m.size() +", ");

    System.out.print("Keys: ");



  // Producing a Collection of the values:

  public static void printValues(Map m) {

    System.out.print("Values: ");



  // Iterating through Map.Entry objects (pairs):

  public static void print(Map m) {

    Collection entries = m.entries();

    Iterator it = entries.iterator();

    while(it.hasNext()) {

      Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry);

      System.out.println("Key = " + e.getKey() +

        ", Value = " + e.getValue());



  public static void test(Map m) {

    fill(m, testData1);

    // Map has 'Set' behavior for keys:

    fill(m, testData1);




    String key = testData1[4][0];

    String value = testData1[4][1];

    System.out.println("m.containsKey(\"" + key +

      "\"): " + m.containsKey(key));

    System.out.println("m.get(\"" + key + "\"): "

      + m.get(key));


      + value + "\"): " + 


    Map m2 = fill(new ArrayMap(), testData2);






    System.out.println("m.isEmpty(): " 

      + m.isEmpty());

    fill(m, testData1);

    // Operations on the Set change the Map:


    System.out.println("m.isEmpty(): " 

      + m.isEmpty());


  public static void main(String args[]) {

    System.out.println("Testing ArrayMap");

    test(new ArrayMap());

    System.out.println("Testing HashMap");

    test(new HashMap());

    System.out.println("Testing TreeMap");

    test(new TreeMap());


} ///:~ 

The printKeys( ), printValues( ), and print( ) methods are not only useful utilities, they also demonstrate the production of Collection views of a Map. The keySet( ) method produces a Set backed by the keys in the Map; here, it is treated as only a Collection. Similar treatment is given to values( ), which produces a List containing all the values in the Map. (Note that keys must be unique, while values can contain duplicates.) Since these Collections are backed by the Map, any changes in a Collection will be reflected in the associated Map.

The print( ) method grabs the Iterator produced by entries and uses it to print both the key and value for each pair. The rest of the program provides simple examples of each Map operation, and tests each type of Map.

When creating your own class to use as a key in a Map, you must deal with the same issues discussed previously for Sets.

Choosing an implementation

From the diagram on page 363 you can see that there are really only three collection components: Map, List, and Set, and only two or three implementations of each interface. If you need to use the functionality offered by a particular interface, how do you decide which particular implementation to use?

To understand the answer, you must be aware that each different implementation has its own features, strengths, and weaknesses. For example, you can see in the diagram that the “feature” of Hashtable, Vector, and Stack is that they are legacy classes, so that existing code doesn’t break. On the other hand, it’s best if you don’t use those for new (Java 1.2) code.

The distinction between the other collections often comes down to what they are ”backed by;” that is, the data structures that physically implement your desired interface. This means that, for example, ArrayList, LinkedList , and Vector (which is roughly equivalent to ArrayList) all implement the List interface so your program will produce the same results regardless of the one you use. However, ArrayList (and Vector) is backed by an array, while the LinkedList is implemented in the usual way for a doubly-linked list, as individual objects each containing data along with handles to the previous and next elements in the list. Because of this, if you want to do many insertions and removals in the middle of a list a LinkedList is the appropriate choice. ( LinkedList also has additional functionality that is established in AbstractSequentialList.) If not, an ArrayList is probably faster.

As another example, a Set can be implemented as either an ArraySet or a HashSet. An ArraySet is backed by an ArrayList and is designed to support only small numbers of elements, especially in situations in which you’re creating and destroying a lot of Set objects. However, if you’re going to have larger quantities in your Set, the performance of ArraySet will get very bad, very quickly. When you’re writing a program that needs a Set, you should choose HashSet by default, and change to ArraySet only in special cases where performance improvements are indicated and necessary.

Choosing between Lists

The most convincing way to see the differences between the implementations of List is with a performance test. The following code establishes an inner base class to use as a test framework, then creates an anonymous inner class for each different test. Each of these inner classes is called by the test( ) method. This approach allows you to easily add and remove new kinds of tests.


// Demonstrates performance differences in Lists

package c08.newcollections;

import java.util.*;

public class ListPerformance {

  private static final int REPS = 100;

  private abstract static class Tester {

    String name;

    int size; // Test quantity

    Tester(String name, int size) { = name;

      this.size = size;


    abstract void test(List a);


  private static Tester[] tests = {

    new Tester("get", 300) { 

      void test(List a) {

        for(int i = 0; i < REPS; i++) {

          for(int j = 0; j < a.size(); j++)





    new Tester("iteration", 300) { 

      void test(List a) {

        for(int i = 0; i < REPS; i++) {

          Iterator it = a.iterator();






    new Tester("insert", 1000) { 

      void test(List a) {

        int half = a.size()/2;

        String s = "test";

        ListIterator it = a.listIterator(half);

        for(int i = 0; i < size * 10; i++)




    new Tester("remove", 5000) { 

      void test(List a) {

        ListIterator it = a.listIterator(3);

        while(it.hasNext()) {







  public static void test(List a) {

    // A trick to print out the class name:

    System.out.println("Testing " + 


    for(int i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) {

      Collection1.fill(a, tests[i].size);


      long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();


      long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();

      System.out.println(": " + (t2 - t1));



  public static void main(String[] args) {

    test(new ArrayList());

    test(new LinkedList());


} ///:~ 

The inner class Tester is abstract, to provide a base class for the specific tests. It contains a String to be printed when the test starts, a size parameter to be used by the test for quantity of elements or repetitions of tests, a constructor to initialize the fields, and an abstract method test( ) that does the work. All the different types of tests are collected in one place, the array tests, which is initialized with different anonymous inner classes that inherit from Tester. To add or remove tests, simply add or remove an inner class definition from the array, and everything else happens automatically.

The List that’s handed to test( ) is first filled with elements, then each test in the tests array is timed. The results will vary from machine to machine; they are intended to give only an order of magnitude comparison between the performance of the different collections. Here is a summary of one run:
















You can see that random accesses ( get( )) and iterations are cheap for ArrayLists and expensive for LinkedLists. On the other hand, insertions and removals from the middle of a list are significantly cheaper for a LinkedList than for an ArrayList. The best approach is probably to choose an ArrayList as your default and to change to a LinkedList if you discover performance problems because of many insertions and removals from the middle of the list.

Choosing between Sets

You can choose between an ArraySet and a HashSet, depending on the size of the Set (if you need to produce an ordered sequence from a Set, use TreeSet[39]). The following test program gives an indication of this tradeoff:


// Demonstrates performance differences in Sets

package c08.newcollections;

import java.util.*;

public class SetPerformance {

  private static final int REPS = 100;

  private abstract static class Tester {

    String name;

    Tester(String name) { = name; }

    abstract void test(Set s, int size);


  private static Tester[] tests = {

    new Tester("add") { 

      void test(Set s, int size) {

        for(int i = 0; i < REPS; i++) {


          Collection1.fill(s, size);




    new Tester("contains") { 

      void test(Set s, int size) {

        for(int i = 0; i < REPS; i++)

          for(int j = 0; j < size; j++)




    new Tester("iteration") { 

      void test(Set s, int size) {

        for(int i = 0; i < REPS * 10; i++) {

          Iterator it = s.iterator();







  public static void test(Set s, int size) {

    // A trick to print out the class name:

    System.out.println("Testing " + 

      s.getClass().getName() + " size " + size);

    Collection1.fill(s, size);

    for(int i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) {


      long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();

      tests[i].test(s, size);

      long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();

      System.out.println(": " + 

        ((double)(t2 - t1)/(double)size));



  public static void main(String[] args) {

    // Small:

    test(new ArraySet(), 10);

    test(new HashSet(), 10);

    // Medium:

    test(new ArraySet(), 100);

    test(new HashSet(), 100);

    // Large:

    test(new HashSet(), 1000);

    test(new ArraySet(), 500);


} ///:~ 

The last test of ArraySet is only 500 elements instead of 1000 because it is so slow.


Test size






























HashSet is clearly superior to ArraySet for add( ) and contains( ), and the performance is effectively independent of size. You’ll virtually never want to use an ArraySet for regular programming.

Choosing between Maps

When choosing between implementations of Map, the size of the Map is what most strongly affects performance, and the following test program gives an indication of this tradeoff:


// Demonstrates performance differences in Maps

package c08.newcollections;

import java.util.*;

public class MapPerformance {

  private static final int REPS = 100;

  public static Map fill(Map m, int size) {

    for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {

      String x = Integer.toString(i);

      m.put(x, x);


    return m;


  private abstract static class Tester {

    String name;

    Tester(String name) { = name; }

    abstract void test(Map m, int size);


  private static Tester[] tests = {

    new Tester("put") { 

      void test(Map m, int size) {

        for(int i = 0; i < REPS; i++) {


          fill(m, size);




    new Tester("get") { 

      void test(Map m, int size) {

        for(int i = 0; i < REPS; i++)

          for(int j = 0; j < size; j++)




    new Tester("iteration") { 

      void test(Map m, int size) {

        for(int i = 0; i < REPS * 10; i++) {

          Iterator it = m.entries().iterator();







  public static void test(Map m, int size) {

    // A trick to print out the class name:

    System.out.println("Testing " + 

      m.getClass().getName() + " size " + size);

    fill(m, size);

    for(int i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) {


      long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();

      tests[i].test(m, size);

      long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();

      System.out.println(": " + 

        ((double)(t2 - t1)/(double)size));



  public static void main(String[] args) {

    // Small:

    test(new ArrayMap(), 10);

    test(new HashMap(), 10);

    test(new TreeMap(), 10);

    // Medium:

    test(new ArrayMap(), 100);

    test(new HashMap(), 100);

    test(new TreeMap(), 100);

    // Large:

    test(new HashMap(), 1000);

    // You might want to comment these out since

    // they can take a while to run:

    test(new ArrayMap(), 500);

    test(new TreeMap(), 500);


} ///:~ 

Because the size of the map is the issue, you’ll see that the timing tests divide the time by the size to normalize each measurement. Here is one set of results. (Yours will probably be different.)


Test size











































Even for size 10, the ArrayMap performance is worse than HashMap – except for iteration, which is not usually what you’re concerned about when using a Map. ( get( ) is generally the place where you’ll spend most of your time.) The TreeMap has respectable put( ) and iteration times, but the get( ) is not so good. Why would you use a TreeMap if it has good put( ) and iteration times? So you could use it not as a Map, but as a way to create an ordered list. The behavior of a tree is such that it’s always in order and doesn’t have to be specially sorted. (The way it is ordered will be discussed later.) Once you fill a TreeMap, you can call keySet( ) to get a Set view of the keys, then toArray( ) to produce an array of those keys. You can then use the static method Array.binarySearch( ) (discussed later) to rapidly find objects in your sorted array. Of course, you would probably only do this if, for some reason, the behavior of a HashMap was unacceptable, since HashMap is designed to rapidly find things. In the end, when you’re using a Map your first choice should be HashMap, and only rarely will you need to investigate the alternatives.

There is another performance issue that the above table does not address, and that is speed of creation. The following program tests creation speed for different types of Map:


// Demonstrates time differences in Map creation

package c08.newcollections;

import java.util.*;

public class MapCreation {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    final long REPS = 100000;

    long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();


    for(long i = 0; i < REPS; i++)

      new ArrayMap();

    long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();

    System.out.println(": " + (t2 - t1));

    t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();


    for(long i = 0; i < REPS; i++)

      new TreeMap();

    t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();

    System.out.println(": " + (t2 - t1));

    t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();


    for(long i = 0; i < REPS; i++)

      new HashMap();

    t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();

    System.out.println(": " + (t2 - t1));


} ///:~ 

At the time this program was written, the creation speed of TreeMap was dramatically faster than the other two types. (Although you should try it, since there was talk of performance improvements to ArrayMap.) This, along with the acceptable and consistent put( ) performance of TreeMap, suggests a possible strategy if you’re creating many Maps, and only later in your program doing many lookups: Create and fill TreeMaps, and when you start looking things up, convert the important TreeMaps into HashMaps using the HashMap(Map) constructor. Again, you should only worry about this sort of thing after it’s been proven that you have a performance bottleneck. (“First make it work, then make it fast – if you must.”)

Unsupported operations

It’s possible to turn an array into a List with the static Arrays.toList( ) method:


// Sometimes methods defined in the Collection

// interfaces don't work!

package c08.newcollections;

import java.util.*;

public class Unsupported {

  private static String[] s = {

    "one", "two", "three", "four", "five",

    "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten",


  static List a = Arrays.toList(s);

  static List a2 = Arrays.toList(

    new String[] { s[3], s[4], s[5] });

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    Collection1.print(a); // Iteration


      "a.contains(" + s[0] + ") = " + 



      "a.containsAll(a2) = " + 


    System.out.println("a.isEmpty() = " +



      "a.indexOf(" + s[5] + ") = " + 


    // Traverse backwards:

    ListIterator lit = a.listIterator(a.size());




    // Set the elements to different values:

    for(int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++)

      a.set(i, "47");


    // Compiles, but won't run:

    lit.add("X"); // Unsupported operation

    a.clear(); // Unsupported

    a.add("eleven"); // Unsupported

    a.addAll(a2); // Unsupported

    a.retainAll(a2); // Unsupported

    a.remove(s[0]); // Unsupported

    a.removeAll(a2); // Unsupported


} ///:~ 

You’ll discover that only a portion of the Collection and List interfaces are actually implemented. The rest of the methods cause the unwelcome appearance of something called an UnsupportedOperationException. You’ll learn all about exceptions in the next chapter, but the short story is that the Collection interface, as well as some of the other interfaces in the new collections library, contain “optional” methods, which might or might not be “supported” in the concrete class that implements that interface. Calling an unsupported method causes an UnsupportedOperationException to indicate a programming error.

“What?!?” you say, incredulous. “The whole point of interfaces and base classes is that they promise these methods will do something meaningful! This breaks that promise – it says that not only will calling some methods not perform a meaningful behavior, they will stop the program! Type safety was just thrown out the window!” It’s not quite that bad. With a Collection, List, Set, or Map, the compiler still restricts you to calling only the methods in that interface, so it’s not like Smalltalk (in which you can call any method for any object, and find out only when you run the program whether your call does anything). In addition, most methods that take a Collection as an argument only read from that Collection –all the “read” methods of Collection are not optional.

This approach prevents an explosion of interfaces in the design. Other designs for collection libraries always seem to end up with a confusing plethora of interfaces to describe each of the variations on the main theme and are thus difficult to learn. It’s not even possible to capture all of the special cases in interfaces, because someone can always invent a new interface. The “unsupported operation” approach achieves an important goal of the new collections library: it is simple to learn and use. For this approach to work, however:

  1. The UnsupportedOperationException must be a rare event. That is, for most classes all operations should work, and only in special cases should an operation be unsupported. This is true in the new collections library, since the classes you’ll use 99 percent of the time – ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet, and HashMap, as well as the other concrete implementations – support all of the operations. The design does provide a “back door” if you want to create a new Collection without providing meaningful definitions for all the methods in the Collection interface, and yet still fit it into the existing library.
  2. When an operation is unsupported, there should be reasonable likelihood that an UnsupportedOperationException will appear at implementation time, rather than after you’ve shipped the product to the customer. After all, it indicates a programming error: you’ve used a class incorrectly. This point is less certain, and is where the experimental nature of this design comes into play. Only over time will we find out how well it works.
In the example above, Arrays.toList( ) produces a List that is backed by a fixed-size array. Therefore it makes sense that the only supported operations are the ones that don’t change the size of the array. If, on the other hand, a new interface were required to express this different kind of behavior (called, perhaps, “ FixedSizeList”), it would throw open the door to complexity and soon you wouldn’t know where to start when trying to use the library.

The documentation for a method that takes a Collection, List, Set, or Map as an argument should specify which of the optional methods must be implemented. For example, sorting requires the set( ) and Iterator.set( ) methods but not add( ) and remove( ).

Sorting and searching

Java 1.2 adds utilities to perform sorting and searching for arrays or Lists. These utilities are static methods of two new classes: Arrays for sorting and searching arrays, and Collections for sorting and searching Lists.


The Arrays class has an overloaded sort( ) and binarySearch( ) for arrays of all the primitive types, as well as for String and Object. Here’s an example that shows sorting and searching an array of byte (all the other primitives look the same) and an array of String:


// Testing the sorting & searching in Arrays

package c08.newcollections;

import java.util.*;

public class Array1 {

  static Random r = new Random();

  static String ssource = 



  static char[] src = ssource.toCharArray();

  // Create a random String

  public static String randString(int length) {

    char[] buf = new char[length];

    int rnd;

    for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) {

      rnd = Math.abs(r.nextInt()) % src.length;

      buf[i] = src[rnd];


    return new String(buf);


  // Create a random array of Strings:

  public static 

  String[] randStrings(int length, int size) {

    String[] s = new String[size];

    for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)

      s[i] = randString(length);

    return s;


  public static void print(byte[] b) {

    for(int i = 0; i < b.length; i++)

      System.out.print(b[i] + " ");



  public static void print(String[] s) {

    for(int i = 0; i < s.length; i++)

      System.out.print(s[i] + " ");



  public static void main(String[] args) {

    byte[] b = new byte[15];

    r.nextBytes(b); // Fill with random bytes




    int loc = Arrays.binarySearch(b, b[10]);

    System.out.println("Location of " + b[10] +

      " = " + loc);

    // Test String sort & search:

    String[] s = randStrings(4, 10);




    loc = Arrays.binarySearch(s, s[4]);

    System.out.println("Location of " + s[4] +

      " = " + loc);


} ///:~ 

The first part of the class contains utilities to generate random String objects using an array of characters from which random letters can be selected. randString( ) returns a string of any length, and randStrings( ) creates an array of random Strings, given the length of each String and the desired size of the array. The two print( ) methods simplify the display of the sample arrays. In main( ), Random.nextBytes( ) fills the array argument with randomly-selected bytes. (There are no corresponding Random methods to create arrays of the other primitive data types.) Once you have an array, you can see that it’s only a single method call to perform a sort( ) or binarySearch( ). There’s an important warning concerning binarySearch( ): If you do not call sort( ) before you perform a binarySearch( ), unpredictable behavior can occur, including infinite loops.

Sorting and searching with Strings looks the same, but when you run the program you’ll notice something interesting: the sorting is lexicographic, so uppercase letters precede lowercase letters in the character set. Thus, all the capital letters are at the beginning of the list, followed by the lowercase letters, so ‘Z’ precedes ‘a’. It turns out that even telephone books are typically sorted this way.

Comparable and Comparator

What if this isn’t what you want? For example, the index in this book would not be too useful if you had to look in two places for everything that begins with ‘A’ or ‘a’.

When you want to sort an array of Object, there’s a problem. What determines the ordering of two Objects? Unfortunately, the original Java designers didn’t consider this an important problem, or it would have been defined in the root class Object. As a result, ordering must be imposed on Objects from the outside, and the new collections library provides a standard way to do this (which is almost as good as defining it in Object).

There is a sort( ) for arrays of Object (and String, of course, is an Object) that takes a second argument: an object that implements the Comparator interface (part of the new collections library) and performs comparisons with its single compare( ) method. This method takes the two objects to be compared as its arguments and returns a negative integer if the first argument is less than the second, zero if they’re equal, and a positive integer if the first argument is greater than the second. With this knowledge, the String portion of the example above can be re-implemented to perform an alphabetic sort:


// Using Comparator to perform an alphabetic sort

package c08.newcollections;

import java.util.*;

public class AlphaComp implements Comparator {

  public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {

    // Assume it's used only for Strings...

    String s1 = ((String)o1).toLowerCase();

    String s2 = ((String)o2).toLowerCase();

    return s1.compareTo(s2);


  public static void main(String[] args) {

    String[] s = Array1.randStrings(4, 10);


    AlphaComp ac = new AlphaComp();

    Arrays.sort(s, ac);


    // Must use the Comparator to search, also:

    int loc = Arrays.binarySearch(s, s[3], ac);

    System.out.println("Location of " + s[3] +

     " = " + loc);


} ///:~ 

By casting to String, the compare( ) method implicitly tests to ensure that it is used only with String objects – the run-time system will catch any discrepancies. After forcing both Strings to lower case, the String.compareTo( ) method produces the desired results.

When you use your own Comparator to perform a sort( ), you must use that same Comparator when using binarySearch( ).

The Arrays class has another sort( ) method that takes a single argument: an array of Object, but with no Comparator. This sort( ) method must also have some way to compare two Objects. It uses the natural comparison method that is imparted to a class by implementing the Comparable interface. This interface has a single method, compareTo( ), which compares the object to its argument and returns negative, zero, or positive depending on whether it is less than, equal to, or greater than the argument. A simple example demonstrates this:


// A class that implements Comparable

package c08.newcollections;

import java.util.*;

public class CompClass implements Comparable {

  private int i;

  public CompClass(int ii) { i = ii; }

  public int compareTo(Object o) {

    // Implicitly tests for correct type:

    int argi = ((CompClass)o).i;

    if(i == argi) return 0;

    if(i < argi) return -1;

    return 1;


  public static void print(Object[] a) {

    for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)

      System.out.print(a[i] + " ");



  public String toString() { return i + ""; }

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    CompClass[] a = new CompClass[20];

    for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)

      a[i] = new CompClass(

        (int)(Math.random() *100));




    int loc = Arrays.binarySearch(a, a[3]);

    System.out.println("Location of " + a[3] +

     " = " + loc);


} ///:~ 

Of course, your compareTo( ) method can be as complex as necessary.


A List can be sorted and searched in the same fashion as an array. The static methods to sort and search a List are contained in the class Collections, but they have similar signatures as the ones in Arrays: sort(List) to sort a List of objects that implement Comparable, binarySearch(List, Object) to find an object in the list, sort(List, Comparator) to sort a List using a Comparator, and binarySearch(List, Object, Comparator) to find an object in that list. [40] This example uses the previously-defined CompClass and AlphaComp to demonstrate the sorting tools in Collections:


// Sorting and searching Lists with 'Collections'

package c08.newcollections;

import java.util.*;

public class ListSort {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    final int SZ = 20;

    // Using "natural comparison method":

    List a = new ArrayList();

    for(int i = 0; i < SZ; i++)

      a.add(new CompClass(

        (int)(Math.random() *100)));




    Object find = a.get(SZ/2);

    int loc = Collections.binarySearch(a, find);

    System.out.println("Location of " + find +

     " = " + loc);

    // Using a Comparator:

    List b = new ArrayList();

    for(int i = 0; i < SZ; i++)



    AlphaComp ac = new AlphaComp();

    Collections.sort(b, ac);


    find = b.get(SZ/2);

    // Must use the Comparator to search, also:

    loc = Collections.binarySearch(b, find, ac);

    System.out.println("Location of " + find +

     " = " + loc);


} ///:~  

The use of these methods is identical to the ones in Arrays, but you’re using a List instead of an array.

The TreeMap must also order its objects according to Comparable or Comparator.


There are a number of other useful utilities in the Collections class:


Produces an old-style Enumeration for the argument.



Produces the maximum or minimum element in the argument using the natural comparison method of the objects in the Collection.

max(Collection, Comparator)

min(Collection, Comparator)

Produces the maximum or minimum element in the Collection using the Comparator.

nCopies(int n, Object o)

Returns an immutable List of size n whose handles all point to o.

subList(List, int min, int max)

Returns a new List backed by the specified argument List that is a window into that argument with indexes starting at min and stopping just before max.

Note that min( ) and max( ) work with Collection objects, not with Lists, so you don’t need to worry about whether the Collection should be sorted or not. (As mentioned earlier, you do need to sort( ) a List or an array before performing a binarySearch( ).)

Making a Collection or Map unmodifiable

Often it is convenient to create a read-only version of a Collection or Map. The Collections class allows you to do this by passing the original container into a method that hands back a read-only version. There are four variations on this method, one each for Collection (if you don’t want to treat a Collection as a more specific type), List, Set, and Map. This example shows the proper way to build read-only versions of each:


// Using the Collections.unmodifiable methods

package c08.newcollections;

import java.util.*;

public class ReadOnly {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    Collection c = new ArrayList();

    Collection1.fill(c); // Insert useful data

    c = Collections.unmodifiableCollection(c);

    Collection1.print(c); // Reading is OK

    //! c.add("one"); // Can't change it


    List a = new ArrayList();


    a = Collections.unmodifiableList(a);

    ListIterator lit = a.listIterator();

    System.out.println(; // Reading OK

    //! lit.add("one"); // Can't change it

    Set s = new HashSet();


    s = Collections.unmodifiableSet(s);

    Collection1.print(s); // Reading OK

    //! s.add("one"); // Can't change it


    Map m = new HashMap();

    Map1.fill(m, Map1.testData1);

    m = Collections.unmodifiableMap(m);

    Map1.print(m); // Reading OK

    //! m.put("Ralph", "Howdy!");


} ///:~ 

In each case, you must fill the container with meaningful data before you make it read-only. Once it is loaded, the best approach is to replace the existing handle with the handle that is produced by the “unmodifiable” call. That way, you don’t run the risk of accidentally changing the contents once you’ve made it unmodifiable. On the other hand, this tool also allows you to keep a modifiable container as private within a class and to return a read-only handle to that container from a method call. So you can change it from within the class but everyone else can only read it.

Calling the “unmodifiable” method for a particular type does not cause compile-time checking, but once the transformation has occurred, any calls to methods that modify the contents of a particular container will produce an UnsupportedOperationException.

Synchronizing a Collection or Map

The synchronized keyword is an important part of the subject of multithreading, a more complicated topic that will not be introduced until Chapter 14. Here, I shall note only that the Collections class contains a way to automatically synchronize an entire container. The syntax is similar to the “unmodifiable” methods:


// Using the Collections.synchronized methods

package c08.newcollections;

import java.util.*;

public class Synchronization {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    Collection c = 


        new ArrayList());

    List list = Collections.synchronizedList(

      new ArrayList());

    Set s = Collections.synchronizedSet(

      new HashSet());

    Map m = Collections.synchronizedMap(

      new HashMap());


} ///:~ 

In this case, you immediately pass the new container through the appropriate “synchronized” method; that way there’s no chance of accidentally exposing the unsynchronized version.

The new collections also have a mechanism to prevent more than one process from modifying the contents of a container. The problem occurs if you’re iterating through a container and some other process steps in and inserts, removes, or changes an object in that container. Maybe you’ve already passed that object, maybe it’s ahead of you, maybe the size of the container shrinks after you call size( ) – there are many scenarios for disaster. The new collections library incorporates a fail fast mechanism that looks for any changes to the container other than the ones your process is personally responsible for. If it detects that someone else is modifying the container, it immediately produces a ConcurrentModificationException. This is the “fail-fast” aspect – it doesn’t try to detect a problem later on using a more complex algorithm.

[37] This chapter was written while Java 1.2 was still in beta, so the diagram does not show the TreeSet class that was added later.

[38] At the time of this writing, TreeSet had only been announced and was not yet implemented, so there are no examples here that use TreeSet.

[39] TreeSet was not available at the time of this writing, but you can easily add a test for it into this example.

[40] At the time of this writing, a Collections.stableSort( ) had been announced, to perform a merge sort, but it was unavailable for testing.

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