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Complexity theory

This program was modified from code originally created by Larry O’Brien, and is based on the “Boids” program created by Craig Reynolds in 1986 to demonstrate an aspect of complexity theory called “emergence.”

The goal here is to produce a reasonably lifelike reproduction of flocking or herding behavior in animals by establishing a small set of simple rules for each animal. Each animal can look at the entire scene and all the other animals in the scene, but it reacts only to a set of nearby “flockmates.” The animal moves according to three simple steering behaviors:

  1. Separation: Avoid crowding local flockmates.
  2. Alignment: Follow the average heading of local flockmates.
  3. Cohesion: Move toward the center of the group of local flockmates.
More elaborate models can include obstacles and the ability for the animals to predict collisions and avoid them, so the animals can flow around fixed objects in the environment. In addition, the animals might also be given a goal, which can cause the herd to follow a desired path. For simplicity, obstacle avoidance and goal-seeking is not included in the model presented here.

Emergence means that, despite the limited nature of computers and the simplicity of the steering rules, the result seems realistic. That is, remarkably lifelike behavior “emerges” from this simple model.

The program is presented as a combined application/applet:


// Demonstration of complexity theory; simulates 

// herding behavior in animals. Adapted from

// a program by Larry O'Brien

import java.awt.*;

import java.awt.event.*;

import java.applet.*;

import java.util.*;

class Beast {


    x, y,            // Screen position

    currentSpeed;    // Pixels per second

  float currentDirection;  // Radians

  Color color;      // Fill color

  FieldOBeasts field; // Where the Beast roams

  static final int GSIZE = 10; // Graphic size

  public Beast(FieldOBeasts f, int x, int y, 

      float cD, int cS, Color c) {

    field = f;

    this.x = x;

    this.y = y;

    currentDirection = cD;

    currentSpeed = cS;

    color = c;


  public void step() {

    // You move based on those within your sight:

    Vector seen = field.beastListInSector(this);

    // If you're not out in front

    if(seen.size() > 0) {

      // Gather data on those you see

      int totalSpeed = 0;

      float totalBearing = 0.0f;

      float distanceToNearest = 100000.0f;

      Beast nearestBeast = 


      Enumeration e = seen.elements();

      while(e.hasMoreElements()) {

        Beast aBeast = (Beast) e.nextElement();

        totalSpeed += aBeast.currentSpeed;

        float bearing = 


            x, y, currentDirection);

        totalBearing += bearing;

        float distanceToBeast = 

          aBeast.distanceFromPoint(x, y);

        if(distanceToBeast < distanceToNearest) {

          nearestBeast = aBeast;

          distanceToNearest = distanceToBeast;



      // Rule 1: Match average speed of those 

      // in the list:

      currentSpeed = totalSpeed / seen.size();

      // Rule 2: Move towards the perceived

      // center of gravity of the herd:

      currentDirection = 

        totalBearing / seen.size();

      // Rule 3: Maintain a minimum distance 

      // from those around you:

      if(distanceToNearest <= 

         field.minimumDistance) {

        currentDirection = 


        currentSpeed = nearestBeast.currentSpeed;

        if(currentSpeed > field.maxSpeed) {

          currentSpeed = field.maxSpeed;




    else {  // You are in front, so slow down

      currentSpeed = 

        (int)(currentSpeed * field.decayRate);


    // Make the beast move:

    x += (int)(Math.cos(currentDirection) 

               * currentSpeed);

    y += (int)(Math.sin(currentDirection)

               * currentSpeed);

    x %= field.xExtent;

    y %= field.yExtent;

    if(x < 0)

      x += field.xExtent;

    if(y < 0)

      y += field.yExtent;


  public float bearingFromPointAlongAxis (

      int originX, int originY, float axis) {

    // Returns bearing angle of the current Beast

    // in the world coordiante system

    try {

      double bearingInRadians = 


          (this.y - originY) / 

          (this.x - originX));

      // Inverse tan has two solutions, so you 

      // have to correct for other quarters:

      if(x < originX) {  

        if(y < originY) {

          bearingInRadians += - (float)Math.PI;


        else {

          bearingInRadians = 

            (float)Math.PI - bearingInRadians;



      // Just subtract the axis (in radians):

      return (float) (axis - bearingInRadians);

    } catch(ArithmeticException aE) {

      // Divide by 0 error possible on this

      if(x > originX) {

          return 0;



        return (float) Math.PI;



  public float distanceFromPoint(int x1, int y1){

    return (float) Math.sqrt(

      Math.pow(x1 - x, 2) + 

      Math.pow(y1 - y, 2));


  public Point position() { 

    return new Point(x, y);


  // Beasts know how to draw themselves:

  public void draw(Graphics g) {


    int directionInDegrees = (int)(

      (currentDirection * 360) / (2 * Math.PI));

    int startAngle = directionInDegrees - 


    int endAngle = 90;

    g.fillArc(x, y, GSIZE, GSIZE, 

      startAngle, endAngle);



public class FieldOBeasts extends Applet 

    implements Runnable {

  private Vector beasts;

  static float 

    fieldOfView = 

      (float) (Math.PI / 4), // In radians

    // Deceleration % per second:

    decayRate = 1.0f, 

    minimumDistance = 10f; // In pixels

  static int

    halfFieldOfView = (int)(

      (fieldOfView * 360) / (2 * Math.PI)),

    xExtent = 0,

    yExtent = 0,

    numBeasts = 50,

    maxSpeed = 20; // Pixels/second

  boolean uniqueColors = true;

  Thread thisThread;

  int delay = 25;

  public void init() {

    if (xExtent == 0 && yExtent == 0) {

      xExtent = Integer.parseInt(


      yExtent = Integer.parseInt(



    beasts = 

      makeBeastVector(numBeasts, uniqueColors);

    // Now start the beasts a-rovin':

    thisThread = new Thread(this);



  public void run() {

    while(true) {

      for(int i = 0; i < beasts.size(); i++){

        Beast b = (Beast) beasts.elementAt(i);



      try {


      } catch(InterruptedException ex){}

      repaint(); // Otherwise it won't update



  Vector makeBeastVector(

      int quantity, boolean uniqueColors) {

    Vector newBeasts = new Vector();

    Random generator = new Random();

    // Used only if uniqueColors is on:

    double cubeRootOfBeastNumber = 

      Math.pow((double)numBeasts, 1.0 / 3.0);

    float colorCubeStepSize = 

      (float) (1.0 / cubeRootOfBeastNumber);

    float r = 0.0f;

    float g = 0.0f;

    float b = 0.0f;

    for(int i = 0; i < quantity; i++) {

      int x = 

        (int) (generator.nextFloat() * xExtent);

      if(x > xExtent - Beast.GSIZE) 

        x -= Beast.GSIZE;

      int y = 

        (int) (generator.nextFloat() * yExtent);

      if(y > yExtent - Beast.GSIZE) 

        y -= Beast.GSIZE;

      float direction = (float)(

        generator.nextFloat() * 2 * Math.PI);

      int speed = (int)(

        generator.nextFloat() * (float)maxSpeed);

      if(uniqueColors) {

        r += colorCubeStepSize;

        if(r > 1.0) {

          r -= 1.0f;

          g += colorCubeStepSize;

          if( g > 1.0) {

            g -= 1.0f;

            b += colorCubeStepSize;

            if(b > 1.0) 

              b -= 1.0f;





        new Beast(this, x, y, direction, speed, 

          new Color(r,g,b)));


    return newBeasts;


  public Vector beastListInSector(Beast viewer) {

    Vector output = new Vector();

    Enumeration e = beasts.elements();

    Beast aBeast = (Beast)beasts.elementAt(0);

    int counter = 0;

    while(e.hasMoreElements()) {

      aBeast = (Beast) e.nextElement();

      if(aBeast != viewer) {

        Point p = aBeast.position();

        Point v = viewer.position();

        float bearing = 


            v.x, v.y, viewer.currentDirection);

        if(Math.abs(bearing) < fieldOfView / 2)




    return output;


  public void paint(Graphics g)  {

    Enumeration e = beasts.elements();

    while(e.hasMoreElements()) {




  public static void main(String[] args)   {

    FieldOBeasts field = new FieldOBeasts();

    field.xExtent = 640;

    field.yExtent = 480;

    Frame frame = new Frame("Field 'O Beasts");

    // Optionally use a command-line argument

    // for the sleep time:

    if(args.length >= 1)

      field.delay = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);


      new WindowAdapter() {

        public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {




    frame.add(field, BorderLayout.CENTER);






} ///:~ 

Although this isn’t a perfect reproduction of the behavior in Craig Reynold’s “Boids” example, it exhibits its own fascinating characteristics, which you can modify by adjusting the numbers. You can find out more about the modeling of flocking behavior and see a spectacular 3-D version of Boids at Craig Reynold’s page

To run this program as an applet, put the following applet tag in an HTML file:





<param name=xExtent value = "640">

<param name=yExtent value = "480">


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