T 2.115 Inappropriate handling of standard security groups in Windows server 2003 and higher

In the Windows Server operating system as of version 2003, additional standard groups were added to the security groups already built in to Windows 2000 Server. The rights for these groups cannot be restricted in some cases, and full documentation is not provided by the manufacturer for all authorisations. Certain authorisations are not displayed and cannot be administered, such as those for the Network Configuration Operator group.

The groups themselves do not pose a general threat, but a lack of knowledge of how these groups work and what is considered inappropriate use can lead to the deliberate or accidental abuse of administrator privileges and to faulty configuration of the system. However, lack of knowledge regarding the method of operation of such groups as well as their inappropriate use may result in intentional or accidental misuse of administrator rights and in misconfiguration of the system.

New groups with Windows Server 2003 and higher are:

With Windows Server 2008, further groups are present after installation. This applies both to standalone systems and to servers within a domain.