T 2.166 Breach of confidentiality regarding the processing of personal data

Data secrecy, i.e. the protection of personal data, is breached if persons having access to personal data process such data in an unauthorised manner. The obligation to maintain data secrecy is also applicable after the activity is completed. Often, such violations are caused by a lack of knowledge regarding the applicable data protection provisions on part of the compilers, who were improperly informed or not committed to data protection at the time they started their work.

Data secrecy may be violated by not deleting or by forging stored personal data, by forwarding address files to advertising companies, by forwarding personal data within a government agency or the company without any official inducement, by viewing personnel data without authorisation, by creating inadmissible analyses, by using official data for private purposes (e.g. an employee of a bank disclosing the solvency information of a neighbour in the private environment).
