T 3.12 Loss of data media during transfer
If data media are sent using packaging that is not particularly sturdy (mailing envelopes or other such packaging), then there is a risk that the data media will get lost if the packaging is damaged, especially when sending a single CD or a similar type of data medium. There is also a risk of losing the package after it has been received, while in the mail, or due to carelessness on the part of the delivery service. For example, if a CD is sent together with a letter in an envelope which is considerably larger than the CD, then the enclosed CD might be overlooked and disposed of inadvertently by the recipient together with the (apparently) empty envelope. Even when just a brief letter gets lost in the mail, there is still a risk that an important appointment will be missed, for example.
When the information on the data media is not encrypted, then the data may also fall into the wrong hands if the delivery is lost.