T 3.113 Incorrect configuration of a Lotus Notes client or an external client with access to Lotus Domino

Different client components can be used for the treated Lotus Domino versions 8.x. This includes the Lotus Notes clients (standard client, basic client, developer client, and administrative client), browsers (using iNotes), specific clients for PDAs (and other mobile end devices), and third party email clients with Domino access using POP3 and/or IMAP interfaces. The misconfiguration of a client component may impair the availability, confidentiality, or integrity of the data on the Lotus Notes/Domino platform and may allow for successful attacks to the platform.

Both Lotus Notes Fat clients of the versions 8.x and higher are more complex than those of the previous versions. The standard client inherits the complexity of the Eclipse framework and the basic client is characterised by the increasing complexity of the Lotus Notes services. This increases the probability of misconfigurations.

Some typical misconfigurations of a Lotus Notes client are described below:

The issues mentioned are examples of possible threats caused by client-side misconfigurations. Depending on the corresponding application environment, further threats may occur.

Misconfiguration may also cause security problems when using browsers as Notes clients (using iNotes or the Domino web server) and regarding specific clients for PDAs and comparable mobile end devices, as well as when using "third party" email clients via POP3 and/or IMAP interfaces. This depends on the configuration settings of the browser used or the third party clients and may affect the execution of active contents within the browser and/or client or the communication with the Domino server, for example.


On a stolen laptop without hard disk encryption with Lotus Notes client, emails containing confidential information are copied from the unencrypted local replica of the email database and made available to the competition or the media.