T 5.120 Tampering with the Linux/zSeries system configuration

Three different Linux operating modes are possible on zSeries:

Further information on the Linux operating modes in zSeries is given in the safeguard S 3.41 Introduction to Linux and z/VM for zSeries systems.

All three Linux operating modes with zSeries are exposed to the threats described in module S 3.2 Servers under Unix.

Mainframe-specific threats when using Linux

When using Linux on zSeries mainframes there may be other security problems over and above the threats described in module S 3.2 Servers under Unix, some of which are outlined below:

Linux on a zSeries LPAR

Threats relating specifically to the mainframe ensue from the possible effects on the zSeries hardware:

Linux on the z/VM host system

In this scenario Linux is operated on emulated hardware of a virtual machine. The virtual machine's emulated hardware is achieved by z/VM on the real zSeries hardware. Physical access to the real resources is gained via z/VM only.

The threats relating specifically to the mainframe ensue partly from the possible effects on emulated hardware and partly from the possible effects on z/VM.
