S 2.229 Planning Active Directory

Initiation responsibility: IT Security Officer, Head of IT

Implementation responsibility: Head of IT, Administrator

A basic prerequisite for the secure use of an Active Directory is appropriate advance planning. An Active Directory can be planned in several steps. In this case, a basic concept for the structure of the domain is created first, and then the details of each sub-aspect are specified. Not only do the aspects classically associated with the term "security" need to be planned, but also normal operating aspects that may lead to requirements in the area of security. Safeguard S 3.64 Introduction to Active Directory provides information on the design and the basic structure of an Active Directory.

The following aspects need to be taken into account in the framework of planning an Active Directory:

The following decisions must be made for each domain:

In general, the Active Directory structure planned must be documented, since this contributes significantly to stability and consistent administration, and therefore to the security of the system as well. It is especially recommended to document which changes were made to the schema. The reasons for the changes should also be documented in this case.

The following aspects should be documented for every Active Directory object:

The planning of the Active Directory administration and of the administrative model used is an important task. A summary of planning recommendations can be found in safeguard S 2.230 Planning of Active Directory administration.

The core aspects of Active Directory planning that relate to security are summarised below:

Finally, it must be pointed out that errors made in the Active Directory planning phase and in the underlying concepts can only be corrected after installation is complete with extensive time and effort. Changes to the Active Directory structure after installation, for example when organising the domains into trees and forests, can make it necessary to completely reinstall the domains under some circumstances.

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