S 2.415 Performing a VPN requirements analysis

Initiation responsibility: IT Security Officer, Head of IT

Implementation responsibility: Administrator, IT Security Officer

A requirements analysis should be conducted before a VPN connection can be established between individual IT systems, different locations of an organisation, or to customers. The goal of the requirements analysis is to determine all operational scenarios which come into consideration for the specific case on the one hand and, on the other hand to derive the requirements for the hardware and software components required. Special requirements for the VPN architecture or VPN components may be discovered by setting up and simulating usage scenarios.

The following items must be taken into consideration within the framework of this requirements analysis, amongst other things:

These aspects do not necessarily need to be examined generally for the entire organisation, but may also be applied individually to different locations or applications. In many cases, not every site will have the same priority, especially when several different locations are networked. Different requirements in terms of availability are placed on small sales offices when compared to the corporate headquarters, for example. Likewise, the requirements for end-to-end VPNs differ from those for site-to-site VPNs. One approach to a solution is to classify the various types of applications based on their bandwidth, availability, confidentiality, integrity, and quality of service (QoS) requirements, for example.

The results of the requirements analysis must be documented and coordinated with the technical personnel. The technical requirements and the security objectives formulated in the information security policy influence the design of the VPN (see S 2.416 Planning the use of VPNs and S 2.417 Planning the technical VPN implementation) as well as its implementation.

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