S 2.480 Use of the Exchange and Outlook documentations

Initiation responsibility: IT Security Officer, Head of IT

Implementation responsibility: Administrator, Developer

Microsoft provides a wealth of free information in a centralised manner using the Microsoft TechNet Service (http://technet.microsoft.com). Documentations, online support, operating instructions, etc. for Microsoft products can be found here.

Furthermore, the Microsoft TechNet contains references to further sources of information. Some examples are mentioned below:

For the products of the Exchange server family, the up-to-date online Documentation for every version can be found in Microsoft TechNet. In the Exchange Server TechCenter all necessary information can be found. The same is applicable to the documentation of Microsoft Outlook that can be found in the Office TechCenter.

Regarding the security-relevant documents and instructions, information can be found in the "Security Compliance Management Toolkit" offering the current security guidelines, instructions on secure installation and monitoring, as well as further documents and support.

For example, this means the following for Microsoft Exchange/Outlook 2010:

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